15# Family Dinner

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Serena's POV:
It's been a day since Ash told me about the family dinner and today is the day. If I tell you I am terrified, that would be an understatement. Why would he invite us to a family dinner?

Wait, let me rephrase that? Why would he invite me to a family dinner? The last time I checked, he hated me. I feel like Ash's dad is going to tell us something that might change eveything.

I shake my head. If I sit here thinking about this, I don't know if I'll be ready to leave in the next hour. I need to hurry up or I won't even be able to know why Ash's dad is inviting us for a family dinner.

I am wearing a black maxi dress and black flats, so that I can walk easier. I ask Amy to put my hair is a fishtail braid. I put on the necklace Ash gave me last Christmas. I smile at my reflection in the mirror.

I look nice and very presentable, so mabye Ash's dad will be happier with my appearance, "Serena, you ready?" says Ash from outside the door.

"Yeah, come in." I say.

He walks in wearing a nice suit and he smiles when he sees me. He comes to give me a kiss. We stand beside each other and look at ourselves in the mirror, "We look like we're going to a funeral." he says laughing.

"It might be your funeral." I remark.

"You know how just how to lighten my mood." he says sarcastically.

"Your very welcome." I say smiling at him.

"You ready?" he asks.

"Didn't you ask me that when you came in?"

"I know I did, but then I ment physically, now I mean mentally." he says like it's obvious.

"Oh. Well then, no, I'm not ready." I admit.

"Seems like we're on the same page then." he says smiling at me.

I roll my eyes, "Let's just go and get it over with, before I puke with fear."

He laughs and walks out the door with me following him.

Ash's POV:
We are outside my dad's house right now and Serena is freaking out, "Why does he want us to come? Why do I have to come? What does he want with me? Why am I freaking out? Isn't it supposed to be you freaking out? What if he humiliates me? What if-"

I place my hands on her shoulders and turn her to face me, "Calm down. If he tries to do anything that hurts you, he'll have to deal with me. Just calm down. It's not good for you." I say.

She takes a deep breath and gives me a weak smile, "Ok. Let's go." she says.

I knock on the door and it is opened by my mum who gives me and Serena a smile. I do talk to her over the phone everyday, but I don't talk to my dad at all. He made me broke and forced me to go to other people for help, I hate that.

"Ash! Serena!" she says happily.

She gives me a hug and tries to give Serena a hug as well, "I'm so happy to see you!" she says.

"It's nice to see you too mum." I mumble.

She turns to me with a disappointed look, "You should be more enthusiastic to see your mother." she says shaking her head.

"I'll try when dad not the one organising the meeting." I say bitterly.

She doesn't say anything and she turns to Serena, "I need to talk to you." she says to Serena and basically drags her into the house. How can see just leave me standing on the porch? Rudeness!

Kalos High: Secrets Of The Past (Book 2)Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora