They're back.

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Jace's POV.

"Um... I'm sorry but who are you?" Clary said with a confused look on her face.
That one simple sentence had drained all the blood from my face. "Huh? That's funny Clary" I quickly ask back.
"How do you, um... know my name?" she said with a bewildered look on her face.
"I don't think she is joking, Jace," Izzy says with the same confused look Alec is wearing. "I think she really forgot," said Alec with pity.
"Alec, I didn't forget anything. And would you care if I asked you that who is this Blondie?" Clary asks with confusion in her eyes.
"Do you remember me Clary?," Izzy asked looking worried. "Of course I would. I mean why wouldn't I?" Clary replied. "What is my most favorite thing to do?," Izzy inquires.
"Shopping. Duh," Clary replied. Izzy then sighed in relief.

"Looks like she only forgot you, Jace," the voice belonged to Magnus. "Hello, Magnus!," said Clary with a smile on her face. "Hello, biscuit," Magnus said returning Clary's smile.

"Great! So she remembers everyone but me," I said with my frustration. This can not be happening. Clary can not forget me. She is a part of my life, a part of ME. She cannot leave me. Without her I'm nothing.

Third person POV
(This scene is in Edom.)

The day all the demon blood had left Jonathan's body it was just transferred somewhere else but was still in Edom. It ended up in Idris of the demon realm. The blood along with the help of the demon energy reform into a human figure. He had deep black eyes, with no whites. He wore an  evil grin we all know and hate.
"I will make you love me and the lives of the ones you love now are in your hands, Clarissa Adele Morgenstern."

(Back on Earth, near Jonathan's grave)
This grave belonged to Clary's brother. It was located in a graveyard behind the institute.
Jonathan's grave was surrounded by a golden light. The light soon faded and so did the grave. The body was uplifted and brought to the ground, softly. It's chest was rising and going down in an gentle and rhythmic pattern.
Jonathan is back to restore the balance of life and death

(Clary's POV)
Today was just weird. That boy- I think his name is Jace claims that he knew me and we had a thing. He ranted about it for almost an hour. I was so lucky that Izzy was around to stop him. That's why she is my best friend.

To take a break and to get away from the blonde boy I decided to go take a walk around New York.

After 30 minutes I feel a tap on my shoulders. When I turn around I find green eyes similar to mine looking back at me. This boy had blonde hair, almost white. He suddenly collapsed in front of me after saying,"Clary, please help me."
This boy is Jonathan. Buy how?
He is died. I saw him die after winning against Sebastian.

Not wanting to waste time unnecessarily I take my brother back to the institute. I reach the institute and tell Izzy and Alec about Jonathan. They suggested that we take him to Magnus's and do not tell the Clave.

We rush over to Magnus's house. Magnus quickly takes care of Jonathan who now is resting. "I thought he was died," said Magnus after everything settled down.

"I thought so too," this voice belonged to my brother. "I felt life leaving me and then I remember darkness," he continued. "One suddenly I saw light and felt like I was waking up from a bad dream. But I knew something was weird. I got up and started searching for help. I then saw a redhead and went to ask for help only hoping it was who I thought it was. I was right. It was my long lost sister," he said with a small smile on his face.

I immediately went and hugged my long lost brother.

"Looks like a family reunion," a mysterious voice said behind us. I turned around to find a person standing there. He looked exactly like Jonathan except for his eyes. It was black instead of green and no whites.
"How did you pass the wards, demon." It was Magnus. Izzy and Alec were standing with weapons in they're hand. "Sebastian..," was all I was able to say. "But how?," I was standing up in front of Jonathan.

"Simple," Sebastian said. "I am alive because I'm a demon. And because of the demon energy of Edom. As for your brother, he is alive because I am. He was needed to restore balance in life and death," he continued.

"See simple. Just like what happened with Jace and I. We are back from the dead Clary. I don't know about your brother but I will have you love me Clary. That is inevitable," he said this making me angry, but before I could open my mouth Jonathan had taken my sword, Nakir and went straight towards Sebastian aming his heart. I guess Jonathan has Sebastian's training.
But before he could stab him Sebastian disappeared leaving smoke behind. "I might need to tell you something. My life and your brother's life, Clary, are linked. If he gets hurt so do I. If I die so does he." That was Sebastian voice.

"Looks like we are in a pickle," said Izzy. "Your right about that. We should go and immediately go and inform the Clave," said Alec. "Now that is up to biscuit over here," said Magnus. Now all the eyes were towards me.
"I rather not," I said.

They're back. A dream and a nightmare.

I published this one early since I have my holidays and I can write the story faster but once school starts it will be once a week.

He is alive. She forgot. He is broken( On Hold)Donde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora