ten ✗ dead body

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amazing trailer on the side by mapleleafx (:

also, if i made this into a series ( probably not ) would any of you read any of the other books?

like maybe one about someone being a zombie ..

do you know of any other ... monsters? or something that would work for other books?

also, tell me if anyone was confused on this chapter, or the last one. I thought they may of been slightly confusing.

There is about 2-4 chapters left ahh!


Liam sat in the pub beside two of his good friends. He listened quietly to Niall's and Harry's conversation, but never put in any input.

He'd occasionally pick up his drink and take a sip. Liam wasn't a very heavy drinker, but drank small portions of alcohol often. He usually liked to drink alone, but had decided for once, that'd he go out with friends, to try to get his mind off things.

"You okay there mate?" Niall glanced over at Liam, a worried expression on his face.

"Yeah, just tired. I think I'll be heading home now." Liam looked down at the heavy silver watch on his wrist. The clock read, eleven O'clock PM. Liam, satisfied with the slight buzz of alcohol running through his body, nodded. "Yeah, I'm heading out now."

"Okay, if your sure lad." Harry furrowed his eyebrows at Liam. "Have a safe drive home."

Liam forced a smile over at Harry, before getting up off the stool, and pushing his way through the crowds of people in the pub. He reached the doors, exiting out into the light night.

Liam breathed a sigh of relief as the fresh air filled his lungs, a nice break from the musty air in the Pub. Liam began to make his way to the his car.

The parking lot was deserted, and quiet. It was quite far away from the pub, but Liam didn't mind the walk. He lit a cigarette, placing it in his mouth and breathed it in. Crossing the street, Liam decided to wait a little longer, before going home. He started to walk down the street, taking small puffs of smoke.

Walking past a side alley, Liam heard a noise, sounding close to a babies cry.

"Hello? Is anyone there?" He called out, looking around him.

He heard the cry again, coming from a side rode. Liam stepped closer towards the sound, and then into the deserted road.

"Hello?! Is anyone here?"

This time, a raspy voice replied. "I am."

And at exactly 11:26 PM Dr. Liam Paynes heart stopped beating.


The body of local doctor/scientist, Liam James Payne, was found early Sunday mourning. Locals who live in the area report of seeing nothing out of the ordinary, accept for few individuals saying that they had heard the sound of static, at around 11:00 PM Saturday night. Case has yet to be solved.


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