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You climbed out of bed and looked at your phone. You saw that it was a text from your (Bf/n).

'Hey (F/n), are you coming prom tonight?'

'Naw, going to just stay home. Have fun :)'

After sending that reply, you plopped back into bed and sighed loudly. This was the last year of High School and this is the last High School prom ever, but you decided to give it a miss. You tried going prom during your first year of High School, but you hated it. (BF/n) got you a dress to wear and even helped you with your make-up. You hated it. When you actually arrived at prom, everyone was questioning why you are wearing a dress and was shocked by the fact you are actually a girl. You hated that. During that prom, you were also alone, while everyone had a date, even (BF/n). She was always with her date, leaving you alone at the drinks bar, chatting with the bartender. You hated that you were alone.

Prom was also a really expensive agenda as people expect you to come in expensive and pretty dresses and have your face layered with equally expensive powders and creams. You thought of your school fees and rent, and you sighed again. Due to some differences between you and your boss, you quit your job and have been jobless for 2 months. Your landlady let you stay for another 3 months since than and gave you time to find a job. However, due to your final year projects, you were not able to commit to a long term job.

You looked at yourself in the mirror, and you saw a girl, that looked like a boy. Since young, you were never the most feminine girl. You had short hair all your life, never had any piece of clothing in pink nor have any powders or creams, except for pimple cream, touch your face. You were the girl that everyone called 'bro', and of course, no guys ever liked you. 

You sighed again, and decided to take a walk around town so that you will not feel so miserable.  

Tonight was a slightly windy night and the weather was good. You wandered around and ended up at the part near your high school. You could see the lights coming from inside and hear the music they were playing. You found a bench, sat there and closed your eyes, imagining that you are in prom with all your friends.

After a minute, you felt someone come near you. You opened your eyes and saw a tall man with light blue hair parted to the side. It was weird, as he was wearing sunglasses at night. You greeted the man.

'Hi sir, are you okay?' You asked.

'Ahh I am fine, was just wondering why is there a person here such late at night.' That man replied.

You chuckled and laughed it off as nothing, but unconsciously looked over at your high school.

'Are you from that high school?'

You were shocked at his question and just nodded your head.

'I think they are having prom now, why aren't you there too?'

You shrugged the question off and stated that you didn't want to go. That man relentlessly asked you question and eventually you spilled the beans about why you did not go prom, lack of money and jealously.

That man chuckled at your response and it sparked a conversation between the two of you. You told him about your shortage of money and your high school life. You found out that man was a photographer and a cafe owner. While talking about his cafe, the Mystic Cafe, he mentioned that he was looking for a new waiter and you fit the criteria. He mentioned that he was looking for a guy like you. 

You were confused for a while, a guy like you? He than mentioned that he will help pay for your rent for the past 3 months and free meals in the cafe, and you immediately agreed. That man than said he needed to go and you said goodbye.

'Oh yea, my name is V, when you reach the Mystic Cafe, do find Jumin Han, he will do the recruitment.'

With that last statement, he walked down the dark street.

(A/n: Thanks for reading the first chapter of Mystic Cafe! This story would be set in an alternate universe where the MM characters work in a cafe, but the romance part will still be present ;) I do hope that you will like this story and I will see you in the next chapter!)

Mystic Cafe (Mystic Messenger X Reader)Wo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt