New Job?

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The next morning, you got ready and looked at yourself in the mirror. You thought again, about the idea of cross dressing as a guy just to get a job. You worried about what will happen when they found out your true identity. However, you thought about your rent and decided to just go on with it. With the slip of paper in your hand with the address of the cafe, you left your house.

When you reached the cafe, you saw a group of guys that was the in cafe. You slowly walked into the cafe and the group turned to look at you.

'Hi, V sent me here for an interview as a waiter. I am suppose to look for Jumin Han?'

A tall suave man wearing a suit with short black hair walked towards you. He spoke in a low monotonous voice.

'I am Jumin Han. Yes, V told me about a new waiter. Welcome to Mystic Cafe.'

On cue, the group turned and looked at you. They were almost posing. The group consisted of really good looking guys and your face turned slightly flushed. 

'What is your name?' Jumin asked.

Before you said your real name, you realized that your name is a girl's name. You quickly thought of a guy's name and you spurted out a 'Kim Jun Ah'. 

Jumin gave that name a thought and he nodded. 

'Alright Jun Ah, welcome to the Mystic cafe.'

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