3~ Day Off With the Boys™

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Lafayette's POV~~

After a while of us talking, we start to surprise (YN) when she wakes up. We're gonna shower our precious girl with love and affection. We're first have a talk about.. her scars, but then afterwards, we're gonna bring her anywhere she wants to go. As we're chatting, I feel (YN) squirm and hear her whimper. I look down at her and pull her close. She trembles and mumbles, waking up "h-hi, Laffy.." I chuckle "Bonjour, belle au bois dormant~" (Hello, Sleeping Beauty~) She giggles and nuzzles into me "You don't have to lie to flatter me, Laf". I frown a bit "I did not lie, (YN). You really are beautiful" she nuzzles me again ".. o-ok" the other boys then tackle-hug us, speaking in unison "YOU ARE!" She giggles and sniffles "o-ok! Ok! Fine! You win!" We all cheer and she laughs. I see Alex's expression change and he motions to her arms. We all go quiet and she cocks her head "g-guys?.." Thomas takes a deep breath "we need to talk, (YN)--" James cuts him off by flipping her arm over, revealing her cuts. Her face is filled with horror as she looks at us all "..I-I.." Alex pulls up his sleeve, revealing his old cuts "it's ok.. you can talk to use" John nods in agreement and shows his faded scars to her. She starts sobbing and we all quickly hug her close, cradling her and soothing her with kisses. After the crying dies down, she nuzzles into me ".. everyone told me I-I shouldn't exist.. even my own parents" we all exchange looks of shock. She then continues "..an-and until I met you guys.. I believed them.. b-but now I know none of that's true.. I have a reason to live..se-seven actually.." she looks up at us all and gives us the most adorable smile. We all smile back and James says "that's right you do.. and if we ever catch anyone doing that to you again, there will be--" "CONSEQUENCES" Thomas cuts him off. We all nod and she smiles a bit more. She nuzzles into me again and giggles "y-you guys are the best" Thomas smiles " D'awww! Thanks, (YN)!~" she blushes lightly and puffs out her cheeks. We all start to giggle and she messes with his big, floofy hair. He giggles more and picks her up "oK THAt'S IT! SHE'S Only MInE NOW!" She starts laughing as he rushes out of the room with her. We all laugh a ton as we end up chasing Thomas around the yard. Finally, Madison tackles him and we all dog-pile. We're laughing one moment, and silent the next, as we hear muffled yelps of pain underneath us. We all quickly get up, and see it's (YN). She gasps for air and trembles. We apologize profusely and repeatedly. She shakily stands and pulls us all into a reassuring hug. I sigh with relief and hug her back, the other guys joining in. She smiles brightly at us and gives us all pecks on the lips. We return her peppy grin and hug her closer. She clings onto me and looks up at everyone, blushing lightly. We all run over to the woods behind the house and relax together, accompanied by the shade from the trees. She hums a tune as we all just enjoy the moment.

After a few hours of relaxation, (YN) hops up and heads over to a tree. I cock my head in confusion, that is until she starts to climb up it. Her movements are shaky as she goes from branch to branch. We all get anxious for her as she climbs higher and higher. Burr brings his hands up to his mouth to shout "B-BE CARFUL, SWEETHEART!" She looks back at us, and I think I see her smile. She eventually gets out of sight, climbing above the canopy of trees. Alex whimpers and jumps up, starting to climb after her. We all give in and rush after her as well. After 'forever' , we reach the top and see and really happy (YN) "the air up here is so fresh! And look at the view!" I smile as I look; it definitely is something to be smiling about. It's absolutely amazing, with the sun high in the sky and the view over a river and some mountains. We all smile at her and hug her close. We carefully situate ourselves up here and snuggle close, admiring the beauty and tranquility. All we see is sky, for what seems like for forever, and it's wonderful. (YN) sighs happily and lays her head in my lap. We stare into each other's eyes and smiles warmly. I feel Thomas lean his head onto my shoulder and (YN) giggles a bit. All the other boys get in a circle and look at (YN). I run my fingers through her hair, as I say "Notre ange beau et précieux pouviez tout mignon?"(Could our beautiful and precious angel get any cuter?) and she blushes deeply "J-Je ne suis pas mignon!"(I-I am not cute!) I cup her cheeks and squish them together "Yes. You. Are." She blushes even harder now and we chuckle. She clings onto me and hides her face in my chest. I playfully roll my eyes and cradle her, rubbing her back. She makes these adorable noises as she snuggles close to me. They all snuggle close, wanting attention from (YN) as well. They're acting like, how you say, 'Jealous Bois'? Or something like that. We won't fight, but they all want (YN) at the same time. I chuckle and peck the top of her head. They all do as well and glare at them playfully. They do it back and we all start laughing. (YN) looks up and puffs out her cheeks, causing us to all stop laughing and "Aww!" Her. She blushes furiously and jokingly hitting us.

7 guys and one girl; the best. Thing. Ever

The Start of Something 'Different'|Poly! Hamilton x Bullied! Reader|Modern AUWhere stories live. Discover now