6~ Encounter with Assholes

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Thomas' POV~~
We're all just sitting on the couch, snuggling close, when the house phone starts ringing. Burr sighs and hops up, rushing to get it. He puts it to his ear, bearing a blank expression "hell—" he listens to the other end, and we watch as his expression turns into fear. He looks at (YN) "..y-yes she is here.." I feel her tense up and press her back against me. I practically hear the lump form in her throat as she resists the urge to cry and or panic from the tension. I hold her close and everyone does something to try and help keep her calm. After a bit of great tension, Burr slowly hangs up and looks at us with an expression of pure horror. He clears his throat a bit "..That was.. (YN)'s parents.. they want (YN) back home.." she suddenly loses it and balls. I gasp and pull her super close, doing everything I can think of to help calm her. We all lay down and attempt to help stop her tears. She nuzzles into me and is almost out like a light. I sigh and glare at the ceiling "..when we go, we're staying with her..based off her reaction, I might struggle to not kill those fucks.." Everyone nods in agreement and we snuggle closer to her. For now, we relax...

(YN) shakes terribly as we walk up her parent's pathway. I'm currently cradling her, trying to calm and comfort her. But, with the current situation, it's basically impossible for any of us to be 'calm'. Laf takes a deep breath and gives a knock on the door. Mumbling of the profane kind and shuffling is heard, before a, what I assume, 40-year-old man in a yellow polo shirt and jeans opens the door. He spots (YN), and I see him internally glare at her, but he puts on a smile "ah! Boys!.. (YN).. come in, come in!" (YN) clings onto me even tighter as we take him up on his offer; even if he had said for us to leave, we wouldn't have, Hell no! Her father guides us to the couch, which is somehow big enough for all of us, so we sit, holding her close. Then, her mother walks in, and the moment she sees her own daughter, I see it in her eyes, there's horrible intentions. She plasters on an obvious facade and sits down. Her father is the first to speak after a moment or two of silence. He clears his throat "so, (YN), why have you been with these boys instead of Home for the past couple days?" She gulps quietly and trembles even more "w-well, d-d-dad, I've b-been hanging out w-with my.. boyfriends.." they both go wide eyed. Her mom chuckles nervously "you mean boyfriend.. right?" She shakes her head "I mean all of them love me, and I love them, mom. An-and.." her dad growls and abruptly stands "that's Bullshit!! (YN), first off, you can't have multiple boyfriends, and second you're gonna stop these games right now and leave these boys immediately!!" She cowers and we all get protective. John stands up "hell no, she isn't! She clearly is afraid of you two, which means that there's some abuse going on here! We love and care for (YN) too much to just leave her in this fucking hell-pit!" Her father rushes at John, hands ready to strangle, but Alex kicks him in the nuts before he even reaches John. He whimpers and keels over in pain. Her mom grabs the phone, threatening to call the police, but Herc tackles her, throwing the phone far across the room. I cradle (YN) and hover over the two 'adults' "listen here, assbags. You've permanently scarred your own daughter with who knows what kind of torture, but it ends NOW. You may not understand our love, but we do. It's a unique love that very few will ever experience. It's true love no matter how many people are involved in the relationship. Love is love, dick fucks" they both nod vigorously. Laf glares at them "do you swear not to go to the police?" They nod again and I glare too "good. Now, goodbye" we all walk out the door, and (YN) bursts into tears. We all gasp and hug her close. She looks at me, smiling with tears streaming down her face. She sniffles and chuckles "I love you guys so much. Thank you for doing that" we all smile warmly and hug her more. Alex kisses her all over face, causing her to burst out in giggles. After he stops, I kiss the tear streaks on her cheeks. She smiles warmly and kisses my nose. We all giggle. John presses his cheek against her's "I want a kiss!" She chuckles and playfully rolls her eyes. She kisses some of his freckles and smiles "there, cutie!" He blushes lightly and giggles. I chuckle "ok ok, let's head home now, guys. We can go snuggle" Jemmie picks up (YN) and runs off back home "CUDDLES!!" We all laugh and follow. Once we get home, we all dog pile on the living room floor, just a pile of happiness and laughs. (YN)'s finally relaxed, and is much happier. She nuzzles close to me and Jemmie and sighs happily "I love you guys, so much" Burr smile softly "and we love you, so much" he kisses her forehead, causing her to giggle. Suddenly, her stomach growls, and she blushes "s-Sorry, I guess I'm just h-hungry" she smiles sheepishly. Laf smiles wide "well then, it is lunch time, so let's go cook something up!" We all nod and rush into the kitchen. John takes (YN) and sits at the table, putting her in his lap. She blushes and nuzzles close to her. I smile as I start making some mac 'n cheese, Laf gets out a apple pie he made the other day, Alex makes our drinks, and Burr, Jemmie, and Herc make some sandwiches and such.

Let's hope we never meet those assholes again...

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