5~ We All Love Each Other So Much

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(Yeye! Dat pic is historically accurate Alex and John kissing^w^ I got some inspiration from it for a lil date 'scene' read to find out! Oh, and pwease someone, write a LAMS one-shot on that >~< I'm not good at one-shots {you don't have to tho})


Burr's POV~~
I hold (YN)'s hands as we all head down to the cafeteria. She's bearing her adorable smile as she walks with us. We walk past the ggirls, and her smile follows the color in her face, both disappearing. The girls look at her and we all get really protective over her. They walk over and she hides behind my back, tightening her grip on my hand. Maria goes up to Alex and smiles warmly "hello, handsomes!~ how about we ditch the shrimpy bitch, and you guys see what it's like to be with REAL women?~" I feel (YN) start to shake and John steps up to her, getting in Maria's face "how about we continue to be with a REAL woman, and you fake-ass bitches find another group of guys to fuck?" They all freeze and we all nod, glaring them down. I pick (YN) up and carry her away, the other boys soon following. Once we get to a, Thomas, Alex, and John sit with (YN), while we all go to get some food. I sigh as we get in line "I swear, those girls better stop soon.. otherwise someone is gonna have to pull us off of them" Herc nods "if they another finger on (YN), I swear to all that is fuckin' n--" Laf hugs him as his face becomes scrunched up and red from anger "Herc, calm down.. we're all really pissed, and we all want to protect (YN), but we need to be rational for as long as possible.. then, if they still continue, we can lose our shit" we all nod and look over at (YN). We all smile at her and James sighs "she's too cute.." we all nod again and chuckle, getting to the front of the food line. We get the food and rush back. I give (YN) a bunch of kisses and she giggles a ton. I put her in my lap and nuzzle her, pulling her into a warm hug. She puffs out her cheeks, playfully glaring at me. I chuckle and kiss her cheeks "you're too adorable, (YN)!" She shakes her head and looks at herself. Thomas gets in her face, their noses touching "hell yea you are, darlin'! Don't ever doubt it!" She blushes lightly and smiles weakly. John smiles wide and giggles "you're amazing, (YN)! You should never feel otherwise, even if some other assholes say so" Her smile grows a bit more and she clings onto me "th-thank you" Alex chuckles "now, time to eat" he put a chicken nugget in (YN)'s mouth and she giggles, eating it. I look to see Herc thinking intensely, then suddenly gasps dramatically "I HAVE AN IDEA!! FOR A DATE! AFTER SCHOOL!" (YN) smiles wide "n-nice! where is it?" He gets all giddy "it's a half-an-hour drive from here, but it'll be worth it! It needs to be a surprise!" We all smile and nod. I chuckle "a surprise date, then"


We've been heading to Herc's surprise for a little over a half-an-hour, driving through a road in the forest, when we finally see something up ahead. It quickly comes into view and Alex and John gasp excitedly "RANCH!" The second I put the car into park, John and Herc throw themselves out of the car and run up to the entrance. (YN) and Alex giggle and rush after them. I see Thomas playfully roll his eyes and smile softly. I chuckle as the rest of us get out and follow them. They're up at the stables, petting all of the horses. Herc waves us over "so, there's actually a mini-surprise that comes with coming to this ranch specifically. My family owns it! Which means that we don't have to pay anything" He smiles wide. Laf chuckles "oh! So this is the place you've been telling me about" Herc nods and opens some stables. I walk over to (YN) and help her get on a horse with a pure white mane and a very light brown covering the rest of their body. She smiles and starts to ride forward a bit. Alex and John hop on quickly and follow her. The rest of us hop on and we all start to head up a trail. It's so nice and peaceful, just the clip-clopping of horse hooves, the rustling leaves of the nearby trees, and the sound of a distant waterfall can be heard. (YN) adds to the calming sounds by singing a quiet tune. I smile softly at her. She's way too cute and beautiful for her own good. I'm snapped out of my thoughts as (YN) picks up speed a bit. We all follow and end up in a clearing. I'm taking in the beauty and fresh air, when Herc rides up next to me and nudges me. I cock my head, to which he whispers while pointing at John and Alex "look" I follow his 'order' and shift my attention to them. I smile even more as I see them riding side-by-side, looking into each other's eyes and giving these adorable yet passionate kisses ever moment or so. After we all watch them for a moment, I see Thomas ride in between them and kiss the both of them. We all giggle and get close together. We all start to kiss each other, not caring if we look ridiculous. I hear (YN)'s laugh and look at her. John is kissing her nose and cheeks repeatedly, smiling warmly as he does. Thomas joins him and she laughs more. Alex fakes a whimper "It's my turn!" He gets in between them and takes John's kissing spot. She laughs even more and smiles wide. James laughs and gets Thomas out of the way, only to take his place. After a few moments pass, Laf copies them, pushing Alex a bit out of the way, then Herc does the same with James. At this point, (YN) is laughing so hard, she may fall off her horse. I chuckle and get the both of them out of the way. She smiles at me, still laughing, and I peck her nose. She starts to catch her breath, smiling that contagious smile. We all smile warmly at her. After fully gaining composure, she smirks "RACE YOU BACK!" She quickly takes off, back down the path. We all laugh and ride after her, the huge smiles still spread across our faces. She, of course, wins, mostly due to her head-start. However, I surprisingly come in second. I chuckle as she hops off of her horse and walks them back into their stable. As the rest catch up, she pets them, feeding them a bit and showing them appreciation. Alex smiles softly "I love you guys, and (YN)" we all then speak in-sync "we all do too"

So much love!

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