CheckMate [OS] 2

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Lena sat in her office getting absolutely nothing done.

It's not like she wasn't trying, because she was. But she wasn't making any progress.

She finally started furiously typing away before murdering the backspace button for the fifth time in the last hour.

She sighed and leaned back in her overpriced, leather, white chair, rubbing her temples.

The entire week has been so stressful. They have a new product coming out soon which meant frequent board meetings. Oh how she hated those board meetings. They're mostly made up of old obnoxious men who were waiting for her to slip up. Speaking of slipping up, the media has been all over her lately, more than usual. They're watching her every move and judging her for everything she does.

It not an exaggeration.

She literally opened her twitter and not even a second later her mentions and timeline were filled with articles.

@StalkCeleb: Lena Luthor makes toddler cry

@TomJax88: @StalkCeleb she's such a b*tch like her brother

@Jenna1Jenna: @StalkCeleb why isn't she arrested already

@BruceWilliams: @StalkCeleb if she can do that to an innocent child imagine what she would do to the rest of us.

@BryanBenz: @StalkCeleb I thought she was different. I guess it's true, no Luthor can be good

Lena just scoffed.

Typical, people are so quick to assume without gathering any facts. If people actually looked into it they'd know that the mother left the child unattended. The little girl wandered around looking for her mother. She must've given up and began crying and Lena just happened to be walking in her direction.

Guess it doesn't matter really, as long as she was involved in it somehow she would always be the guilty one.

She just needs one person to believe in her. To judge her on her own merits. Someone who stick by her side and supports her in everything she does. Someone who doesn't hope that she won't turn bad but someone who knows that she is good. If only she had someone who would give her a chance to show people that she is nothing like her mother or brother. That there is such a thing as a good Luthor. If only Kara w-

No. Lena squeezed her eyes shut. She couldn't think about her. Especially with what happened between the two of them.

It been two weeks since they've spoken let along seen each other. And Lena repeatedly told herself that she didn't miss the blonde.

Lena sighed once again. There's no way she'll get work done so she might as well leave.

She gathers her belongings and tells Jess that she would just go home and finish her work there. That was lie. If she went home now she would crash into her mattress and fall asleep.

Lena sat in her car desperate to forget about everything even if it was just for one night, even if it was just for a few moments.

So she drove through the night in what seemed like an endless road. She finally arrived at her destination.

She went through the back alley and approached the back door. There was a tall, muscular man blocking her path.

"Password" said the man in a low voice.

"I don't think I need one. I do own the building after all." She sasses

The man's composure disappeared and stuttered out, "M-Ms. Luthor?!"

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