I don't know what this is but it's definitely something

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The title says it all.

They see a lost girl
When I see a masterpiece
A broken pearl
A composure of beautiful melodies
I hope that she'll see
I hope she'll understand
That I will never, ever
Let her fade away again


Period, period
Go away
I don't need you
I am gay.


Oh let me stay, let me lay down
Anywhere, with you by my side
Oh let me borrow, let me borrow
Some time, some tears, some fears
I don't want to survive.
I don't want to be alone.

I'll be here, I'll be here
For the sorrow and the dust
For the hate, the smiles, the rust
Let me go, but let me know
If you need a hero...
Or at least someone to hold on to.


I like you
You don't care
Imma stare🌚


"how are you?"

"Oh, I'm- sad, broken, depressed, remorseful, bad, empty, lonely, miserable, jealous, imperfect, angry, tear-stained, suicidal, haunted, numb, apathic, weak, exhausted, about to cry- fine."


Maybe if you were here
I would feel like I was less of a failure.
Maybe if I was strong enough
I wouldn't be as useless,
nor as crushed as I am now.


Welp, that was entertaining!
Sorry for the weirdness of this chapter, I just thought it would be stupid to publish each short-ass poem one by one... And I also am lazy as hell (Is hell lazy though🤔?... Anyway). So yup, that was it.
Oh, and thanks again for reading this book! I seriously do not understand how you managed to get this far, but congratulations and thank you sooo much for your comments and votes and such☺️!!

Have a good day, a beautiful week and a wonderful life😘!

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