A message to those who break

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What am I doing here?
I can't think straight anymore
I need to get these thoughts out
Before they tattoo my mind
I could lie, I could forget, I could die, I could escape...
But I won't.
Because I care.
I care so much, too much...
About all of them
All these people that I lift
All this weight...

I love them, I really do
But it's so fucking heavy
I know I'll never be enough
And I'm so, very sorry
But I can't give up on you now
And I swear to your God I won't
I'll keep acting like I'm so strong
And end up whining in a song
So don't mind me if I cry once or twice in a day
Cause I'll always end up okay
Even though everything feels wrong.

This is a rap song. Just sayin'...

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