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"Wait wait, I don't want to open my eyes yet!"

A quiet laugh left my lips as I saw Jacks hand covering his eyes.

"Jack, you have to help me study for my biology test." I said with a playful eye roll and a smile.

He let his hand fall and threw his phone with a small yelp.
I heard him screaming throughout his room.

A few seconds later I saw his face appear on screen again with a big ol' smile dancing on his face.

"Hi Jack."

"Hi Valerie."

"Help me study now?"

"Yes! Lets get right down to business!" He exclaimed waving his pointer finger around in the air.

I shook my head, the smile never leaving my face as I positioned my phone to stay on its own by leaning it on some books on my desk.

"Ok so I sent you a picture of what you can test me on and uh-"
I drifted off as I continued filling out my papers.

I looked up to see Jack with a pencil in his hand, but his eyes still on my face.


"Nothing, its just- nothing."



"This is the part where you help me study."

He let out a small giggle.
"Right , right."

"Ok, so what's a heterotroph?"


"You can't focus for shit!" I yelled at Jack as he continued making snarky remarks or horrible,horrible knock-knock jokes.

"I'm still making you laugh though! Totally worth not focusing!"

"Not worth getting an F though!"

"F for fabulous."

"F for failure."

"F for Farts"

"F for Finny."

"Woah woah, no F for jack ???"

"Nah." I mumbled as I crossed out the letter a in a multiple choice question.

"I'm hurt."

"Are you actually dumb?"


You know, I didn't expect to stay on the phone with Jack for hours.
I also didn't expect to get any actually studying done, which was correct.

But it was great.
I really liked talking to Jack.
Even if he would give me odd looks and I felt the sudden need to make sure there was nothing on my face.
He made me laugh a shit ton and we got so lost in our ridiculous conversations that we didn't even realize what time it was.
Not until my Mom came home and I took a look at the alarm clock resting on my nightstand.


So at 12:06 I ended the call with the cute curly haired boy.

And at 12:08 I received his goodnight text.

At 12:10 I think I realized what I was most afraid of.

Maybe // Jack GrazerWhere stories live. Discover now