Chapter 4 (Saturday)

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Tinas P.O.V

Today we are going to a party at Taylor's friends Den. I get dressed and start to put on my makeup. Then I see the bathroom door open. "You don't need that crap" he said in his morning voice. "Yes I do I look like a freaking gremlin without it." "No you don't baby girl." he kisses my forehead and says "I will always love you." "Aww I love you too baby cakes." "You ready?" he asks in a nonpatient way. "Yea baby boo." I say happy as can be.

We finally arrive to Dens house. It's already dark and so loud. This place stinks of beer and vodka. "I will be right back princess." "Ok baby boo" I know we are cheesy but I like it.

Taylor has been gone for at least 20 minutes, so I start looking for him. I first walk up stairs and open the spare bedroom. My heart dropped. I can't believe what I am looking at. Taylor is kissing Ella Couto. "How could you Taylor?" I say as I slam the door and run to the car. Luckily I have his keys.

I arrive to my house and run to the bathroom. I grab my sleep meds and a cup of water. I dump all the pills in my mouth and drink that water. I know I only have about a half of an hour before the meds will kill me. I walk to my room and grab a notebook and paper. I write Taylor a letter. I get down on my knees and begin to pray. "Dear God, please take care of him. Even though he cheated, I still love him. He deserves the best. He deserves to be treated like a prince. He was my everything. I start to get really sleepy so I lay down and close my eyes. "I'm sorry" I say as one single tear drops out of my eyes.

Taylors P.O.V

I keep texting and calling Tina but her phone is shut off. I grab Dens car keys and run to the car. I'm such an idiot. I get to her house. I open the door and run back to her room.

I can't believe what I am looking at. The love of my life is dead, because of me. I start crying and I fall to my knees. I find a letter with Taylor on it. I open the letter and begin to read.

Dear Taylor,

So if you are reading this I am dead. I am sorry Taylor. I just couldn't take it anymore. I love you and I always will. Please find a girl that makes you happy. I will be your guardian angel and guide you to greatness. I will miss you so much. I hope you will always remember me. I am sorry I wasted you time. Don't stop loving me Taylor. I love you forever, and always.

Love always,


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