2: first day of school

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I woke up drenched and freezing cold ..... Gulp hehehe don't tell me ....

"LUCY ! "

"Y-yes a-aquarius you need something ?"


Oh my stars ! I completely forgot ! I have school !!!!

"AHHH !!! What are you d- AHHHH!!!"


"in the name of God sama YOU DIDNT HAVE TO THROW ME IN THE BATH TUB !"


Hurry hurry !!! After my lovely bath I came out in a towel to find my school clothes were nearly lined up and in place . I should thank Virgo when I see her .

I put some baggy black pants ,a large white jumper and a pair of trainers not to forget my brown wig which I put in two neat pony tails luckily Virgo was here to help me arrange it . And now for the finishing touch ...... My fake glasses !

What ?! If I dress up as a nerd rather do it correctly right ?

I was all done . I went to take my breakfast which was my favorite ,pancakes with strawberry whip cream and caramel syrup . I swear I was already drooling from the smell .

Normal kids will have their parents or siblings to join them at the table but not me as you may know I have no siblings I'm the only child of the heartfilia and as I already mentioned my family is overseas . So at the table will always be the maids they are my family the ones that never leaves me behind.

"Miss Lucy we have to leave if you want to be there on time for your first day "

"Arigato Capricorn Just let me get my bag and phone I'll join you in the car "

I grabbed my stuff and as promised I joined my driver until a phone call almost made me jump off my seat !

"Hey! Lucy so how's the outfit let me see let me see !"

"Ok just a sec yukino I'll send you a pic"

"OH MY HALO ! Lucy ! You look ............ L-lovely hehehe"

I giggled oh come on I know you don't mean it yukino.

"I'm sure I do . come on yukino just say what your mouth want's to tell me just spit it out "

"Okay you look ...... HORRIBLE Lucy I preferred your original look you're not bad but I miss the real you "

"We both know why I'm doing this beside what can possibly go wrong huh?"

"I trust you and your Lucy kick to beat who ever annoys you Kay?"

"It's my first day and you're already preparing me for war what is there in a school to beat up relax and chill angel I'm gonna be fine . I'll call you later bye "

I sighed and leaned back on my seat .

"Was miss yukino worried ?"

"Yes she may not say it but I know she is worried sick for me otherwise she wouldn't have called . I just hope what I said is true I hope nothing happens on my first day "

F.T.A here I come !.

Wow just wow in front of my eyes was the academy no more like the palace of queen Elisabeth II . How in the world of plue am I gonna find my class I'll get lost that's for sure . Let's just hope people here are kind enough to show a nerd a sexy nerd her way to school office . No no no ugh Lucy you empty brain remember your friend attend the same school.

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