3: the kingka and queenka

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"LU !!!"

"Listen nerd girl you better let him go before you'll regret it !"

"Look who's talking ! if you touch a single hair of hers you guys will be regretting ! Or do I have to remind you what happened to your left leg 2 weeks ago !"

As you can see the classroom is in chaos ! What happened ? I'll tell you .

Flash black:

"Oh ! so your real name is salmon well nice to meet you salmon pinkie I'm get 'the fuck away from my view my eyes are hurting "

And again I heard gasps until .......

Salmon pinkie dude got us from his chair and twist my wrist and blocked me on to him so that my back was on his chest but not before I back kicked his little sunshine making him lean on the floor . I took my opportunity to grab his collar and put him in the same situation I was in .

So you can imagine why the room was shocked imagine the kingka getting knocked by the new nerd girl . One guy stood up followed by 4 more .! i guess they are his friends .

End of flash black:

And that's how I funded myself in a weird situation . His friends which I learned their names thanks to erza . So there's the perverted stripper gray , the hulk elfman , mr metal face gajeel and the blueberry head jellal .

Cool friends right ? so now the girls and I are like in a battle field glaring at the boys and salmon pinkie who's by the way still in my lock .

"Erza , it's not because the whole academy fears you and Mira that were not gonna beat you up especially these girls here including nerdie girl "

"Gray she has a name ! And don't think that just because my dear lil bro is here that I'll not bug in cause if that's the case I don't mind beating his ass ! 1 for actually having perverted friends 2 for having some stupid , idiots and good for nothing friends and 3 for actually thinking that he can touch my girls ."

We all gulped when Mira talked , I could even feel her satan soul aura coming !.

"Oy blondie do you mind to let our buddy go I think he had enough of being back squished on your nerdie chest "

Please tell me he didn't comment on my chest cause he'll be having a hell lesson of getting beaten up AND I front of the whole school !.

"Oh nope I don't mind beside he was dirtying my clothes, personal space and my view . But can I tell you something ?"

"And what does a nerd wants to tell me hmm ?"

"Come closer and I'll tell you . I think your name was gray right ?"

I let pinkie dude go while he just stared at gray and cursed .

"The one and only nerdie "

I leaned in his ear to whisper while the girls knew what will happen but not for the guys they just smirked hmmm they think I actually fell for this stripper guy nu uh never !.


He flinched and hold his ear . Take that you idiot !

"Oh and one last thing stripper guy you better talk to your salmon pinkie buddy that if he doesn't take his eyes off lisanna he won't have them anymore and we all know that without his eyes salmon pinkie dude won't be as charming as he think he is "

"Why you're jealous heh blondie "

"Now why would I be hmm? I just don't want one of my bestie to be dirtied with your eyes salmon guy "

"Okay Lu we all know where this is heading but think about our poor teacher who I think wants to start her lesson "

"Yeah blondie girl you should listen to book worm go and be the nerdie you are and study "

And here they are laughing their butts hmmm if I recall salmon guy is seated two seats behind me right ? That gives me an idea !

"For once I'll just listen and actually study not that I need it cause we all know that nerds actually always pass their exams with their eyes closed "

"Already falling for me blondie? "

Just ignore him and wait till he passes you in 1..2...3 NOW !!!
I put my right leg out and guess what salmon pinkie gut fell face on the floor what a nice sight for my eyes !

"Awww already falling for me pinkie ? I'm sorry but I'm not interested in some fish haired guy"

And just like that my lesson went in silence while the tear her who was really shy didn't utter a word about our scene .

"Lu you were AWSOME but you know with who you messed with right "

"Yes lev I know the kingka natsu salmon pinkie dragneel the playboy of this academy well him and his dumb-ass friends"

"Exactly and girls please tell our little Lu here ,when she's messes with the kingka she's also messes with "

"Flare !"

They all said as if they repeated this scene a lot of times .


"FLARE !!!!"

What the actual world of mustache men !!!!!

"Ugh what's wrong with people drenching me with liquids huh?"

OH MY STARS TO MAVIS  who in the world of mustache man is she ?! .

"So blondie you're the stupid ass nerd that embarrassed my natsu my poor dragon even got a bruise on his forehead "

What the actual fuck ???? Speaking of the devil baby salmon pinkie dragon came with his gang and not to mention that flare slut keeps kissing his forehead ???? Ugh I feel like vomiting !!!

"Hahahahaha so I guess you're the queenka awww is baby pinkie dragon hurt ? does he need to go to the school nurse hahahaha I'm sure miss red slut wont mind bringing her baby dragon for a check up oh my Mavis what a sight I actually feel like vomiting Hahaha you know miss red slut you own me a lunch "

"And why would I owe you anything look what you did to m-"

And with that said my delicious lunch went on her head ! What ?
That girl threw me her juice which stinks just like her !

"Payback for your juice miss red slut "

"Oy blondie nerd ! You'll regret it believe me !"

"Okay pinkie if you're not the one who's gonna regret it first remember you fell for me you might fall again who knows ?!"

"Listen here blondie natsu will never and I repeat never fall for you "

"But he did! look at his forehead that's explains the swollen bruise hahahaha"


"Look who's talking the ass herself"

So first the classroom now it's the canteen and did I mention that it's

Flare + her 3 minion + pinkie and his dudes


Me and the girls !

"Lu better watch your hair these girls loves to attack that part the most "

Lisanna winked . I understood her message if these sluts grab my wig it'll be a disaster !

One of misses red sluts minion came to attack she jumped on me no more like tried if I didn't move she would but since I moved from my place she fell on lis's lunch hahaha hilarious . But .......

Hey !!!!

So tell me what you think ?

What will happen to Lucy and the girls ? Want to know then stayed tuned

C.H ❤️

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