Strange Things Happen (3)

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Day 14 

   It was dark now and as I stood in front of the crater in awe trying to make sense of it, a loud shrill sound came from the darkness inside the hole.  It sounded to me like an amplified bug of some sort but I couldn't work out what kind. My instincts however, told me that it wasn't a good sound.

   "Get in the car," I grabbed Danny and quickly put him in and hurriedly clicked his seat belt in. 

   "Why?" Megan asked. It seemed her attitude had returned. "What are you afraid of?" 

   "Whatever is in that hole. Now get in or I leave you here right now."  I jumped in and started the car as another shrieking noise emanated from the pit again.  Megan ran back to the car and screamed when a large spidery creature crawled out of the hole and began to chase her. It was a little bit smaller than Megan herself but not small enough. I waited to see if she would get in the car in time but it was too late... the spider grabbed her by the foot and pulled her backward. Then I saw it. More were coming and that's when I made the decision that would haunt me for the rest of my life.  

    Reversing out of the side of the road and turning the car around I drove as fast as I could as far as I could. Looking in the mirrors I saw the Megan get dragged into the hole behind me and felt a tear roll down my cheek as I heard Danny cry out her name from behind me. She was gone.  

   "I'm sorry Danny. There was nothing I could do." I said to him when I heard him crying. We had lost the creatures now but I didn't plan on stopping until daylight.

   "It's all your fault! If you hadn't taken us to that big hole thing over there Megan would still be alive. You killed her!" he accused angrily in between sobs. "Let me out. I hate you!"  That comment felt like a stab in my chest.

   "No. I won't leave you by yourself."  I shook my head and replied. He was just a little boy and I felt obliged to look after him like he was my own brother.  That was the last thing I said to him because for the next hour (or it felt like an hour) was of Danny telling me how it's my fault, screaming and crying.  I took a sigh of relief when he had finally fallen asleep in the back seat and now there was silence. The silence that would let me think. Think about what was going on, what I needed to do and evaluate and reflect the situation.  

    Usually I could do this fairly easily. So why couldn't I? All I could think about were the screams and terrified look on Megan's face as she got dragged away. Then I thought about my family and if they had shared the same fate. My stomach twisted and turned when that thought entered my mind. It made me want to puke. Why hadn't I been pulled away though? 

    Day 29

       A gentle breeze shifted through the air making my hair wave and float backwards softly.  It was a nice calm breeze and I took this moment to enjoy it as I stepped out of my car. The moment was ruined by the door being slammed by Danny behind me. He had not talked to me since the incident with Megan but actions speak louder than words and his actions suggested that he was angry. Very angry.  

    After I had driven for two days I decided that the safest most secluded place we could go, was home. So driving through towns and gathering as many supplies as possible was the only mission we now had. Including weapons. If those creatures ever came back I did not want to be defenseless. We were not going down without a fight. Weeks of driving through places unfamiliar and in fear were now at an end. I knew I wasn't much safer at home but I was in my element where I knew my surroundings. 

    "Grab the food please?" I asked the empty looking boy. He didn't even look at me. He just picked up the bags and went to open the front door. 

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