Kill Or Be Killed (5)

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  I was so angry at Danny that I couldn't find the words to speak. Why was he being this way? I asked myself, but knew the answer. Megan.  I sighed on the inside and then pulled myself together. I had to think quickly because three cars were driving up a hill that could possibly be a threat and we were obviously going to be outnumbered. Then I remembered someone useful. Trondark! I ran through hallways calling frantically for him but he was gone. I couldn't find him anywhere. Of all the times he could have decided to leave me alone it had to be now! 

  Reaching for the shot gun Danny had shot into the air with,  and attaching knives to the belt at my side I decided that I better face this situation well equipped.  I didn't bother telling Danny to hide because I knew he would not listen to me. Instead I shoved him into a cupboard and locked it. He banged on it but I knew this room was at the far end of the house so anyone hearing him would be unlikely. At this stage, people taking him away wasn't seeming like such a bad idea although somehow that thought still felt wrong to me as I considered hiding myself instead and leaving them to it.

     This was it. They had driven up the road into our driveway and parked. I sneaked into the garden behind the cars and watched to see what I was facing. 

    A large man that looked to be in maybe his early twenties stepped out of the first car. He was wearing a cap that shadowed his face a little, sunglasses,  jeans and a black t-shirt with some logo on it. All I could really make out from were I was, was that he had coffee coloured skin, was tall, and slightly less muscly then Trondark.  

   "Ellie and Reese you come check out the place with me so we can see what's going on up here. The rest of you wait in the cars but if you hear anything happen come straight away," the man turned around at two other people stepped out of the car.  Oh great. I thought. Sounds like we're definitely outnumbered. 

   "Who would live somewhere like this?" the dark girl asked while she observed the big old house. Her long black hair trailed down her back and she appeared to be an islander or something. 

   "Someone that doesn't like people. Are you sure we want to look at what's here Haydn? Could be trouble." the guy which I assumed was Reese spoke. This person was the opposite to Trondark and the leader. He was short and scrawny. His skin was pale, his eyes a deep blue, nose long but bent and his sandy brown hair was very shaggy. 

   "What have we got to lose?" Haydn responded and took a small gun with him. The others followed behind him scoping everything out in the same manner that I had when first arriving home. The difference is I have an advantage. I live here.  

      So I slid back and quietly re-entered the house from a door around the back which was already up some concrete stairs and would get to the top of the house before them. I went into the kitchen and took a large jar of honey, jam and oil and poured them all at the top of the stairs. That would slow them down. Then, I got tacks from in the drawers and put them around the couches and made the points turned upwards, for them to fall onto.  Now to grab my mothers stainless steel jumbo sized frying pan and place it under one of the couch seats in case I get desperate along with a few kitchen knives (with the hilt facing towards my hands so I can get them without cutting myself).  And now to wait for them to reach the stairs, I thought to myself and felt a smile slowly spread across my face. For some reason I felt a little excited to see how my plan goes.   

 Plonk. plonk.Plonk. The sound of feet walking up the stairs. My heart pounded fast in my chest and I suddenly felt nervous. Were my booby traps going to work? The top of Haydn's head appeared as he began to reach the top of the stairs. Once again I was peaking out from behind one of the jade green coloured couches. I froze and held my breath when he went to take that last step where he reached the well spread out liquids...

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