Meet The Gang (7)

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 There was a tightness in my throat and I could feel my stomach knot in fear. I tried to yell out for help but the words wouldn't escape from my mouth and the person forced their hand down harder to stop me from trying again.

   "Shhh...I'm here to warn you," the voice whispered. I calmed down a little and froze, raising my eyebrow in response seeing as my vocal ability had been confiscated.  "It's Haydn. He plans on coming back at the end of the week, well armed. This time you and your friend won't stand a chance. You have got to go." the person released their hand and let me sit up. I still couldn't make out what the figure looked like but they definitely sounded like a man. 

   "Why wouldn't we stand a chance?" 

   "He has Danny which he can and will use to his advantage. Trust me," his husky voice stated worriedly. 

   "Well that's an interesting thing to say. 'Trust you'. Why the heck would I trust a man that comes from Haydn's little gang? How do I know this isn't just your way of making me run and leave you to everything?" 

    "He would have me killed for coming here and telling you this. You should thank me! Don't believe me if you don't want to but don't blame me when Haydn comes to your house, takes everything you own and tells you it's either join us or we kill you and the boy. "

   "Alright, I'll bite. What do you supposedly gain from all this?" I questioned suspiciously. He paused for a moment in the darkness then answered me dismally.

    "Haydn and I were friends before things changed... but he's power hungry and has put me in the middle of things. I'm tired of seeing him control people like he owns the world and you don't deserve to be in the same situation as me. Or worse. So please, run,' after having said that he jumped out of the window and ran into the darkness.

    I kicked the wall angrily. Why couldn't they just leave me alone? If they used Danny to their advantage it wouldn't be a matter of Trondark sending them away. They had the upper hand here and there really was only one thing I could do. Leave my home. 

    In that moment I made the decision grabbed my small weapons, bow and arrow, and left before Trondark woke to stop me. Now I would run in the other direction and hope that what the person had said were merely empty threats. With a sigh I climbed out my window, this was going to be a long night. 

Day 43
  The morning was harsh and the air cold. The sun could not be seen through all the bunched up clouds in the sky that resulted in a miserable over-cast day. A small layer of ice sat on top of the grass and branches of trees I trudged through. I pulled the hood over my head to cover ears and cheeks. I cringed as a twig crunched under my knee high black boots. Being stealthy was always what I aimed for and I had become quite good at being unnoticed whether doing it consciously or not. I'd rather see something before it sees me.   

  I placed my hand on the pocket of my coat in assurance that my gun was still at my side. It was. After few minutes of having left, I had come to realise that though I was better with my bow and arrow, guns were easier to carry and people tend to find them a little more intimidating. This decision resulted in me going back and make a quick exchange. I'll miss that bow. I thought to myself then breathed out the icy air slowly. I could see it like smoke as it escaped from my mouth again. 

  I had been following alongside the dirt road in the opposite direction to Haydn's group all morning. Although I was following it, I had kept myself hidden in case of more visitors. Despite my total dislike of spear grass and burs in the long grass I was walking through, alongside the fact that I had to be careful of snakes,  people were a lot worse to deal with now days. They talk to much and they kill.  

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