Leave! (4)

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Day 32

  "You. Can't. Just. Come. And. Take MY house!"  With every word I said there was a pause as I threw an item at Trondark.  It had taken me a while to get over the shock of some strange creature now living in my house. Now I was once again feeling the confidence to voice my opinion.  

 "Deary. Haven't you noticed that the world has changed? I can do whatever I want and throwing pointy rocks at me and tiny people shaped things won't make a difference to what I decide on doing." I knife flew past his face and went into the wall a short distance from Trondark. He rolled his eyes at me. 

    "Neither will knives or weapons." 

    "Just thought I'd try something new." I returned hotly. 

   "Look I would like to live in peace so as I said when you first arrived, no murderous demises."  I realised that Trondark was now over my rampage.  

   "Why do you want to live here?" I questioned. "There are a billion other houses you could impose on. My neighbors had a house which isn't all that different. Why must you insist on being here?" 

    "I like it here. It has a certain personality. A happy homely feeling if you must. The vibe is good and I enjoy basking in your human memories. They are... intriguing."  I tilted my head to the side, a little surprised at this statement. 

    "You see I went from house to house for weeks to find the perfect one and well as you can see I don't plan on going anywhere." he informed me and crossed his hands behind his back as he explained. 

     "Please," was the only word I could think to use.  He paused and stared at me for a moment then surprised me by grabbing my shoulder, pulling me closer and looking straight into my eyes. It felt like he was looking into my mind and saw everything I had. It made my head hurt. His green eyes turned almost foggy and I could feel myself slipping into a trance where all I could hear was the pounding of a heartbeat.  Then he let go and appeared at the other end of the room sitting at my parents desk. He tapped his fingers along the wood one by one. 

    "No," he said in a very serious tone which surprised me. For some reason the seriousness of it made me feel afraid and I left. I stepped outside to see Danny standing there in front of me with his arms crossed. 

   "What?" I asked in annoyance. At this moment I wasn't really in the mood for his new attitude. 

   "I don't see what's wrong with him. He's nice." 

   "We don't know him Danny." 

   "I don't know you Christa," he told me. "He wouldn't have left my sister." I turned and walked away from the little boy now feeling guilty again. Guilty and alone. I hugged myself sadly when I walked past a photo of all my sister's smiling side by side with me in the middle. I missed them all and would do anything to see them again. It was strange. I felt drowsy now and just wanted to curl up and go to sleep which was unusual for me. I never managed to sleep, especially since everything changed. 

    I went into my room and closed the door behind me then jumped into bed and fell asleep in seconds. 


    Ugh. Sunlight. I woke up and it burned my eyes so I shut them and rubbed them to wake up a little.  How long had I been asleep for? I felt my hair and it was sticking up everywhere in a massive clump.  At least a night. I thought to myself then rolled over and hugged my pillow as if it were a person.  After enjoying my own company for a short amount of time I opened my eyes again to look out the window. 

   "AH!" I shouted and rolled out of my bed when I saw Trondark sitting amongst a pile of my stuff and watching me quietly. 

   "Interesting, mostly a very quiet sleeper though you move around a lot," he mumbled to himself and picked up one of my shoes with very high heels and asked me. "What is the point of these? You can't possibly walk with this on?" 

   "What are you doing in my bedroom?!" I tried to get up from the floor gracefully but stumbled and tripped over a blanket. There was a loud thump. When I stood up he was observing the shoe closely until I threw a pillow at him. It hit him in the face because of the distraction. He ignored it and continued examining the heel and pulling and twisting at it as though he expected something elaborately genius to happen. 

   "Why were you watching me sleep?" I asked him. Trondark threw the shoe over his shoulder having given up on the idea it was worth anything and stared at me. 

    "I was curious about if you acted nicer in your sleep. Turns out no. Kicking and throwing items is not nice. I was actually more scared of you when you were sleeping. Very unpredictable," his eyes widened a little at the memory. "Also, if I may make an observation. It also makes your appearance more horrifying. I suggest not sleeping," Trondark now shook his head when making the suggestion. I moaned and turned to look in the mirror. He was right I looked like a beast. I fixed my hair up as usual. I saw the strange creature smile from behind me as he noticed the improvement. 

     "I like this you better," he told me cheerfully.

    "Get out!"  I shouted and then he was gone... 

    "Christa!" I heard Danny call. "Christa there are cars going down the road! There are others like us!" He sounded excited but I did not look forward to what came next. 

Trondarks P.O.V

  "Christa there are cars going down the road! There are others like us!" I heard the human boy shout after I had left the girl human.  I had left Christa alone. She had seemed to be angry at me for some reason so I simply listened in to there conversation from around a corner. 

   When I peeked around the door, I saw that Christa was now arguing with the boy. They argued a lot because of the mishap with his sister that I keep hearing about. 

   "We don't need other people. People are complicated and won't want to do things our way." I heard Christa say. 

   "ARGH! You said that you would get me to an adult and let me go. I don't want to be around you anymore Christa." 

   "Danny, you don't know them and they could be dangerous just let the car go past,"  Christa grabbed him so he couldn't run and draw there attention to him.

   "No!" he shouted in reply and took hold of a shotgun that had been left beside Christa's bed.  BANG! Was loud sound I heard as the human boy sent one loud shot into the air.  Danny then dropped the gun on the floor, folded his arms and smiled smugly at her when he saw one of the cars pull over to the side. The other two cars that followed it stopped briefly to see what was going on and then all three cars reverse backwards after whoever was in it having heard the deafening sound.  This human was beginning to annoy me.  

   I looked at Christa now, curious to see how she would react to Danny's stupidity. She stood and stared at him blankly for a moment and didn't say a single word. Not one. Then, she picked up the gun and walked around him as if he didn't exist. 

   Seeing the cars pull into the driveway made me decide that I should disappear for a few days but keep an eye on what's going on from a distance. So that's what I'm doing now, watching invisibly. No one can see me.

An Empty WorldTempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang