Chapter 1

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"Lauren baby, can we talk about this? I said I was sorry!" Normani asked begging the girl in front of her while she was packing her things and getting ready to leave her for good.

"What's there to talk about? You lied to my face over and over again, I'm sorry I can't trust you." She said turning around pushing her wife back with each word she say "you lied!" She screamed into the brunette face while making her hit her back against the wall with a loud thump while knocking down some pictures. " What you gonna say you love me? You said that when I found out you're fucking your baby mama three month ago and I stayed. I fucking stayed! And for what?" She said trying her best to hold back her tears that were threatened to spill. "now what all of sudden you care about my feelings after you got Camila pregnant? Camila out of all people!" She said shaking her head " No, Mani I'm sorry but we done." She said walking passed her with her things.

She couldn't held her tears in any longer as she left their home for the last time while looking at Normani with hurt and disgusting look on her face. She wished she never followed her heart and went with her mind.

Lauren never felt so stupid in her life to fall for someone like Normani when she not even gay. That night in Vegas was the best and worst night of her life. And now that she's pregnant she doesn't know what to do with herself. She never thought she would end up alone and pregnant at the same time because of Normani Hamilton, but she did and now she hates herself.

Normani wasn't gonna give up that easily. Lauren meant everything to her besides her son and no one was going to screw that up. That night in Vegas changed her for the better when she said I do the second time she meant it. Lauren Michelle Hamilton is gonna be the love of her life again.

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