Chapter 5

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Time jump

"But I'm big brother not you!" Carter said yelling at the other person standing in front of him.

"And I'm older you!" The voice said as they shrugging their shoulders and not giving a care in the world.

"Guys please stop the fucking fighting!" Normani yells as she making her downstairs where her kids were arguing at in the living room about something. As in her son and daughter yes you heard correct her daughter. About two months ago after Lauren left her that same night the brunette found out she had an daughter Kaylee Nicole Hamilton. Kaylee was the perfect mixed of Jilly and herself with dark brown eyes and long brunette hair but she was a shade of lighter than Normani but almost more like Jilly.

Flashback: 2 month ago

"Hey do you think this has something to do with Camila?" Normani finally asked breaking the silent between the two after awhile when Quinn was driving. The officer didn't say why they were heading downtown but it was important that they needed Normani right away. At first she was panicking as to why they where headed downtown but they passed the police station and went over to the hospital after she was released last night. She told the cops everything that she could remember after the doctor told her she was fine and the only thing she had to worry about was the gag on top of her head and her ribs should heal up in a few weeks or so.

When Lauren pushed her into the wall making her hit her back against the hard wall it didn't hurt as much as her heart did as she just watched the love of her life walked away for good.

To be honest Quinn didn't have an answer to any of the questions Mani was asking. She doesn't get why she was in the car with Camila in the first place after she told her she needed to cut her off. She loves Normani but doesn't get half of the things she did. When Normani first got kicked out by her father her parents were the ones who took her in and adopted her till she was 18. Her mother Judy was upset when she found that her father kicked out and she was having unprotected sex when she talk to both of them about having safe sex before high school.

After another moment of silence Quinn finally opened her mouth as she approached a red light and looking to her right. "What I really want to say might end up hurting your feelings." She said running her fingers through her hair.

"Go ahead tell me Quinn! Tell me!" She shouted at the pregnant blonde girl who was driving. " I know my life is fucked up okay? I know I keep fucking it up and I'm sorry I lost my daughter, and I lost my wife and my best friend can't even be honest with me!" She said with anger laced in her voice as she was on the verge of crying again before she hitting the side of the door while scaring the blonde hair woman.

For the rest of the ride it was nothing but silence as neither of them spoke a word. Normani knew she was wrong for shouting at her best friend who been there for her since the four grade after everything her father put her out Quinn and her family was there for her. The only thing Normani could do was to stare out the window and to think why she always blame her fuck up mistakes on other people instead of herself.

"Are you okay Mrs. Hamilton - Jauregui?" The officer asked holding the door opening for Quinn after they finally made it to the hospital.

"Yeah and it's Fabray- Lopez I'm her adopted sister." She said to the officer and begin following him inside along with Normani.

As they were heading to the elevator Normani started panicking as she thought he hit the number 4 button but instead he hit 6. She hasn't heard anything yet from Camila since the accident and Diggy told her to stay away from her. Once they got off of the elevator and follow the officer into a room where another officer, a lady and a pre teen teenage girl sitting in there in a soccer uniform.

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