Chapter 8

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"By the look on your face I bet that was one of your many whores you was talking to?" Lauren questioned the brunette who was just getting off the phone with a big smile on her face.

"Maybe," she said as she moves closer towards the Latina and put her arm around her. "but then again I do have a son too."

"Sorry." The Latina said with a small smile on her face. She thought the brunette was a dead beat to her child like most music producers are and cheat on their partners.

"Is fine just don't let it happen again." Normani said with a straight face and then touched the Latina lap to let her know she was joking."I'm not a bad person I just fuck up a lot and I want to do right by my son and not fuck up his life too you know?" She says looking away as she thought about her childhood growing up.

Lauren turns around to look at her face before asking the question she had on her mind for a few days now. "Have you and Quinn ever slept together?"

Normani started laughing like a crazy person. She doesn't know how many times she got answering that question. "No we haven't, Quinn is actually like my sister and I'm very thankful for her." She says looking at her.

Lauren nods her head before looking away from her.

"Do you think I only care about pussy and money because I don't I care about my friends and my family the one that is my family and my music I'm very passionate about it." She says softly as she was looking at the Latina.

"Let me hear something from you." Lauren asked as she looks back at her with a small smile on her face while touching her thigh.

"Really?" She asked as Lauren shakes her head yes.

Mani played the beat on her phone and started singing the hook.

"Woah you wrote that?" Lauren asked in shock as she was smiling to ear to ear.

"Yeah between projects with other artists I like to write songs too." The brunette says smiling at her.

During the car ride the two of them were talking about random things till the driver stops the car in front of the chapel he picked them up from this morning.

"Mrs. Hamilton we are here." The driver says opening the door for them as he helps them out.

Normani gave him a tip and told him that they will be back as soon as possible. The dark skinned beauty grabs Lauren's hand and walks into the building and was greeted by her name.

"Mrs. Hamilton welcome back so soon." The lady says smiling as she shook her hand. "Are you here to pick up the marriage certificate?"

"So we did get married here?" Lauren asked the older woman while looking around the church like alter because coming across a picture of them this morning kissing after they tied the knot. ""

"God." Normani finished for her as she saw the picture herself. "Can I get a copy of that?" She questioned the lady before she started laughing before Lauren hits her.

"That's not funny." The Latina says while ripping up the picture of them off the wall.

Lauren couldn't believe that this is all true that she drunkenly married Normani Hamilton fuck boy Hamilton.

"Hey you gonna have to pay for that!" The woman tells Lauren before Lauren walks out thinking her life is over.

"I'm so sorry about that." Normani says to her before pulling her to the side and pays for the picture. "We can't be married okay? Her cousin is my business partner and I wasn't supposed to marry."

"I'm sorry Mrs. Hamilton but for the state of Nevada you have to be married for 6 months before you can get a divorce or we think otherwise for a green card or something and most likely you will be arrested."

Normani thinks to herself she screwed up for sure and six months with Lauren what's the worst thing could happen. "Thank you." She says shaking her hand again as she grabs the marriage certificate from her and heads out to go look for Lauren

Lauren was sitting on the curb when Normani came out of the chapel and sat down next to her.

"Hey are you okay?" She asked looking over at the Latina.

Lauren looks back at her and shakes her head. "No I'm not okay, I never thought I would come to Vegas and get married to a complete stranger and that stranger happens to be my cousin business partner." She say sighing as she shakes her head. Not that Normani isn't bad looking or anything she just never seen herself dating a woman before let alone getting married to one.

"Listen I'll take full responsibility for this and make sure San stays off your ass and makes this the best weekend for her and Quinn." Normani spoke after a few minutes has passed before standing up and pulling her into a hug before the car pulled up for them.

Lauren wipes her tears away from her face before nodding her head before stepping inside the car.

"I know we just met Ally but do you think this is a crazy idea I think Mani and Lauren would make a cute couple." Quinn says smiling as she thinks about her best friend and her cousin in law.

Even though Normani was joking last night with the young Latina at the club Ally does think so and thought it was the alcohol but the taller blonde was right they do make a cute couple. "They do but the way your wife freaked out this morning Mani is a dead person when she finds out the truth about them."

"Let's wait until after the wedding tomorrow to tell her."

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