Chapter 4- Ian

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The Death of Me
At the age of 13, my parents had purposely killed me. When I woke up, my family was crying, my name was on a grave, the sky was grey and everything was dull.
Floating around, I whizzed through the empty hall ways until I was in my favourite room. After my death, my house was abandoned and my parents left and made a new life. I wanted revenge.

Knock knock knock. Huh? Knock Knock knock. Someone was knocking at the door. Lighting strikes again. The rain became heavier. 'He must be seeking shelter' I thought to myself. We hadn't had a visitor in years. To stop the annoyance of the knocking, I opened the door for a boy who looked like the same age as me. He conveyed a confused face which I wouldn't blame him for as the door did just open itself to him. I laughed to the thought of my good idea. Swirling in a full circle, I lit all the candles up to let know our guest had a warm welcome.
Displaying a meal for the special guest, I used the time wisely to clean up the house and made sure that certain rooms were locked up well. Heading back into the dining room where the guest was enjoying the special meal, I found a moth and combined my soul into it and transformed it into a majestic glowing sky blue butterfly. Fluttering around, I gained his attention and guided him to the room upstairs where I had neatly decorated it. He settled in quite quickly and from there I managed to get everything in order. I wasn't quite sure at the time but his aura seemed different to everyone else's aura so far.
It had hit midnight, I looked down at myself, my legs had reappeared; I headed to my room and sat at my desk and stared at the picture laying on my desk. Me, my parents and my sister. My parents had left me. Only a couple years did my sister join me and by her story, they had made a new family. Her soul was pure, she had left me as well, God Flamieh had decided she could have peace and her soul would go to heaven. Her soul had went to DreamGoats Portal and transferred to what they called "heaven". I wasn't pure but I wasn't completely hell either so I was stuck. Was there a reason I was still her revenge maybe. Maybe God Flamieh will tell me one day. My revenge would come soon.
Sitting at the edge of the window, I closed my eyes and saw her. "Ian are you ok?" she asked.
"I'm fine little sis, don't worry I'll make sure they both get their punishment soon enough," I grinned.
"Do you have to...?" she enquired.
"What are you saying? I only want the best for you," I spoke. She gave an uncertain face and faded of again.
It was early in the morning, I woke up to find my legs gone again so I floated of to the kitchen preparing breakfast. There was one good thing about being a ghost, you didn't have to worry about your hunger or hydration. The guest arrived downstairs and saw breakfast and started eating it. "So when are you going to try kill me?" he asked. Was he talking to me? Was he talking to himself? What did he mean?! I stayed quiet. "Look I can see you," he turned his head and his eyes had turned a yellowy green and I could tell his eyes were on me and not through me. Startled by this, I asked "Are you going to try banish me?"
He laughed and shook his head replying "No, I'm here to help you! I want to prove that ghost are real! No one ever believes me and I was wondering if you could help...?"
What do I do? What should I say? How?
So many questions were filling up my head. It wasn't going to be hard all I had to do is break something or maybe posses someone. "What do I get out of it?" I questioned him. "You can do whatever you want with me."
Whatever....I wanted?
"Oh by the way, the name's Shiro," he took out a hand before realising he couldn't physically touch me, he put it away and I answered with "Ian."
The next day I didn't know what I was doing but we were heading out. By the afternoon we had reached a centre where we went into a theatre. In less than an hour there were about 100 or so people as an audience.
"We're next," Shiro smiled. Stepping onto the stage, the lights shone bright and I was blinded but this was a sacrifice I had to make. The first trick was simply magically lifting things us, next I possessed people. The shocked audience quickly became terrified of me. We finished our act and left.

Break Time!

Do you know what everyone likes?
Boxes! They're really useful aren't they?
So why not get an extra special one.
100% gey at amazon!

Back to The Death of Me.

"Where are we going next?" Shiro pondered.
"My parents," I replied. It took a few trips from getting a train; to a ship, to a car and many other ways. We sneaked in from the back of the house. Guiding him through a secret door, we entered a dark room then realised what it was. The room was filled with bodies, blood, souls devoured. Judging by the look on Shiro's face he was absolutely terrified. Floating in front of him, I grabbed hold of him not noticing my hands becoming visible, "GET A HOLD OF YOURSELF!" I yelled but it was pointless he was terrified. There was nothing I could do but possess him. Wrapping my arms around him from behind him and whispering in his ear (warning this mAy get ehhhhhh) "All you have to do is agree to let me possess you and it'll be over." I licked my lips as he agreed stuttering in his words. Suddenly the door opened and a burst of light came in. It was my mum. Then I realised it wasn't her. Around her was a dark aura, darker than ever before. She barely looked sane anymore, she shredded a tear as she saw me and then screamed in pain. Grabbing hold of her brain, she collapsed onto her knees as I saw another ghost, one with no sanity take over her and realised my parents never did purposely kill me. It was the dark souls possessing her. Remembering I still hadn't possessed Shiro yet, I was suddenly embraced by him. His eyes were completely emerald neon green and I knew what he meant. Shaking still, I could tell he was scared and he knew there was only one way to defeat the evil souls. Combine our souls and use it to replenish the corrupted souls and make them free but that would sacrifice our souls. I bit Shiro on his shoulder sucking up his blood until his soul reached me. Shiro growled in pain as my soul bonded with his and my body was in complete control of him. His voice was my voice. His body was my body. The enemy knew it would be difficult to stab my own mother and appearing beside my mum was my dad.
The battle had begun and it was difficult doing a 2 v 1 but I was holding up well before getting pinned down. Nearly being eaten I cracked my head into my mum's head hurting her and found her soul grabbing it and crushing it in my hand and the beast within her destroyed. My Dad suddenly came raming at me as I tried to hold up against him but it was difficult. Thinking this was true death of me, a bright light suddenly appeared and my dad was thrown back. The light that glowed turned back and smiled "I want to save them to!" she smiled. "Xinyi...." I smiled back. 'Your sister?' asked Shiro in my brain. 'Yeah' I replied in my head. 'Ok this time I'll give you my full strength' smirked Shiro. My little sis handed something over to me, a scythe "Once you're ready yell Potatoes once more!"
We carried on battling, Shiro at his full strength and Xinyi helping out.
Mum if I ever died and became a ghost would you ever be scared of me?
Of course not, if I knew it was you or your sister after all you two wouldn't hurt anyone like me would you?
Nu uh, I promise I'll behave!
That's my boy, you be good for your mum at home ok?
Ok Dad!
Xinyi was knocked to the side in pain and lay on the ground, she faded away back to her land wishing me luck. Thanks Xinyi you've done a lot for me leaping across to the enemy I finally pinned him down and was about to finish him when all of a sudden Ian! Look if one day I'm in danger you've got to be strong and rescue your mum and sis first ok? If I ever am the one you're running from just kill me ok?
But...I can't...I would never....but this will save you but...then...what would happen?
-Shiro's POV-
I could see Ian had lost his mind and was indecisive I fought back and took over for him and yelled "POTATOES ONCE MORE!" and finished him off. In the blink of an eye everything turned white.
Closing my eyes to stop myself from being blinded then opening again, a boy in front of me stood with a hand out in front of him "Thanks it was nice working with you really, Shiro" Ian smiled.
I took his hand and pulled him into a hug. "I'll miss you..." I cried. Ian laughed nervously and walked off further and further  away until I couldn't see him anymore.

Waking up, I got a shower and got myself ready for the morning...."Was it all just a dream?" I asked myself. Eating breakfast, I had a note saying "Don't be late for school this time," it didn't say who it was from but I strolled out my house and and locked the door then turning to face a familiar looking boy with a smile and a small girl beside him.

"Sure took you long enough Vice Captain Shiro, Captain Ian was getting tired of waiting for his beloved" giggled the little girl.
It was him. Now I really wonder was it really all just a dream?

Up next: Chapter 5~Andrew

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