Chapter 9 ~ Flamieh II

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Deep in the jungle where an adventurous boy lived,
Were also where many other creatures were alive and active.
Alone he was, protecting himself
But how he gained a friend, is the best story on your shelf.
Midnight had hit and all the day animals were hidden away
But even the nocturnal creatures were hiding a secret and wouldn't say
Finding all this suspicious,
It didn't matter if it was dangerous or not for this boy was ambitious.
So swinging in the trees he went,
Sniffing the air with his good scent.
Soon finding a terrified creature, a deer,
Shaking with fright and looking queer
Flamieh, the boy's name, asked why do you hide from beautiful night sky,
With which the deer may reply
"Something growls at night,
we're scared they may bite
coming from the cave at the end of the river,
it gives us all a terrible shiver"
Explains the deer
Who shreds a tear
Finding this as a fun adventure to go on
It was his time to go upon
His ways of living and be brave
Being the one who will save
Them all from the monster within
"To victory here I come to beast this creature and win"
As he packs up a few things such as daggers, water and food
Off he went with his energetic mood.
Firstly, crossing the river which was deep and wide,
It was tricky but he tried
Finding stones and rocks and wood as material to create a path
Just as easy as simple quick math
Racing against sinister hyenas
They some how ended up in a rocky arena
Where they fought for their freedom
Winner: Flamieh! was the outcome.
Stopping for a minor break,
By a small peaceful lake,
Appeared a snake
As he took a bite out of his jungle cake
Hissing with prowling eyes ready for its prey
Little did it know, it was the end of his day
Dead on the floor he seemed to be
While the boy carried on with joyful glee
Approaching the mighty mountains he had to climb over to reach his goal
Where at the top he found a scroll
Reading through it mentioned a warning about all
Climbing back down the mountain that was so tall
The boy stumbled and nearly fell
Now that would be hell
Getting closer to the destination,it was darker the further he travelled in
He was getting closer every min
With more vines hanging over in his way
And parts of the ground made out of clay
Finally getting to the centre part
The boy saw a sight that would tear anyone's heart
Foreseeing a loving scene
Making Flamieh feel a little mean
A tiger trying to save her tiger cub
As herself was bleeding bright red blood
Noticing Flamieh had appeared,
The tiger seem to give a faint smile and cheered
Weeping "Help my child live on,"
When the chance of her life was none.
Before he could save both the poor souls
The mother tiger had lost too much blood and had gone completely cold.
Giving the sign of R.I.P
He took the poor cub home to see
How he could help even in the least
Watching the sunset in the East
Little did he know, he had found a friend for life.

3years later

Tucking in my knife
I spring down the steps of my little tree house
Ringing the bell to announce that we were playing a game of cat and mouse
Swinging from tree to tree, leaping over logs then springing onto vines,
Out of the jungle deep; I launched myself into the air just in time
Landing right back on my pal he gave me a growl for a smile
At his ultimate speed, we run for extra miles-
Until we reach the edge of the cliff and sit next to each other as normal
Me sitting down in such a way of manner it was very informal
While Hiko sat high and mighty as we both watch the sunset 🌅 for the night
Always sparkling and bright
Everyday, we watched it go down as time would past,
Counting the days on how long we'd last.
Today we stayed a little while longer
Ever since I found Hiko I had trained him to be stronger
Heading back home through the jungle way
Little did we know it was yet to be the end of the day
For when we were peacefully trying to get home
The both of us were suddenly trapped inside of a dome
The dome separating us and Hiko was scared, I felt useless as I couldn't do anything to help us out of this trap
Finally being faced by creatures of my own, human, with weird looking weapons, strange equipment and maps
"What were they doing," I ask in my head.
"Hurry and take him away," they point at Hiko and said.
Panicking I try break free
But magic wasn't my cup of tea
They finally let me go still trapped in magic though and try to restrain me
But little did they know that they'd be taken to the sea.
In the corner of my eye,
There was a small light so I turn my head and try
My knife glistening from earlier on to save me now
With one swing and a deep cut I break free from the magic with a ka-pow!
They surrounded me as I saw Hiko being taken away,
Jumping into the air and bouncing of one of their weapons, it was time to save the day.
Sprinting back to the cliff, I jump off the edge but little did they know that under the cliff was a strong piece of vine.
All the men stood on the edge looking for me and all of a sudden they were falling down, I had knocked them into the sea just in time.
Climbing back up, I spring back,
But all that's left were part of a sack
Not knowing where Hiko was, I grew enraged
Quickly climbing a tree, as my eyes grow green, I spot Hiko caught up in a cage
Growing wild, I hop from tree to tree and as I got close I dived into the trees and grab hold onto the back of a truck.
Trying to pick the lock, I needed something to act as a key and suddenly out of luck -
There was a small pin that was a perfect fit
My eyes were still emerald green but as I looked at Hiko he had green eyes too and was growling at me and even when I said sit he didn't sit.
Knocking the truck side to side as he tries to pounce for me,
I try my best to reassure him but something had taken over him
Just about dodging as he aimed for another limb
With a giant force he knocked over the truck bringing us to the ground, I hold Hiko tight as I hear him whimpering and his eyes fading back to normal but turning back and growling as well
A man got out with one of them weapons looking angry "HEY THATS OUR TIGER TO SELL!"
Mad at him, I get ready to attack him but he brung the weapon up as I heard a loud bang
Yet I wasn't the one to be hurt, Hiko was lying on the ground with a large wound as I saw all this with my own eyes until my head rang
And it hit to me that Hiko was hurt
In blind rage I gave the guy no alert
As I get my knife and stab him hard
When I turned back, Hiko was fading away from the world and all was left was a blue shard.
Keeping it tight with me, I yell his name loudly in the sky.

1 month later

Hanging around at the cliff ; the boy sat on the edge staring into the distance by himself, opening his palm to reveal the blue shard that he had made into a necklace. Standing up on his two feet he took a deep breath. Air blowing in his face and his hair flying through, closing his eyes as he saw the ocean blue. Curling into a ball, there was a huge splash as Flamieh soaked to the bottom.


Dropped to the bottom, thinking back to all the memories I had with Hiko. He was always there for me: when we were hunting; playing games;going on adventures; when I was down he cheered me up ,when he was, I'd always play little tricks on him to make him feel better and now it had been over a month without him... I missed him everyday.
Suddenly, I notice a small light as I open my eyes to see that my necklace was coming off whilst glowing in the darkness was the blue shard, miniature cracks started to appear; watching it eagerly it smashed into tiny pieces and suddenly a whirl of magic had bought me up to the surface right back to the cliff. Turing around I saw a transparent blue tiger yet slowly but surely, his colours started to fade in as I realise it was my best friend.

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