Chapter 7~ Cloud 9

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So it may feel like I'm favouriting Flamieh but it's actually because these stories are mainly for Flamieh soooooooooooooo sorrryyyyyy.

Starring: Flamieh | Boxy | Andrew | Demon | E.P
Important Characters: Merai | Greg | Rwge | Ollie | Pokes | Tato
Characters From Last Chapter: Celest |Mimiko | Hanari | Michael [May be mentioned]
Villains: Joel | Koro | Shiro | Ian

Cloud 9, rumoured as to where all the answers you want are, no matter the question it will be answered, truly the only question outside it is "Will you make the journey there alive?"

???: Uhhhhh I'm bored!
???: Then go back to hell,
???: But it's boring there too, no one makes it up here so there's no questions to ask or answer.
???: Just be more patient and quit your whining.
???: Patient? We've been waiting for over centuries!
???: Actually you weren't here 4 years ago, you were on an adventure.
???: Was I really?? Everyone keeps telling me that but I don't remember a thing.
???: Yeah...
???: Are you hiding something from me?

"Yes, no, I don't know, maybe I am, maybe I'm not," avoiding the question.
"You are, we both know you are," pouted the girl. Sticking out her tail, waving it around at the paste of the ocean currents; the girl lazed back on her sheep like surface.
"Do you really want to know what happened to you years ago? How you were created, what your purpose was? The truth about you?" she asked watching the girl laze about.
"Why wouldn't I? I don't know a thing about myself," murmured the girl.
"Want to take a journey then? Back to the people who you enjoyed your time with the most?" she questioned. Horns popping out ; glistening pearly purple eyes filled with hope and light, a shining smile on her face. "Can I really? Really?" the girl enquired bouncing up and down. She nodded at the girl and gave a light smile.

Boom. Another shot fired. Crowding round the heroes, small blobs of slime with halloween pumpkin carved faces and stubby arms surrounded the heroes ready to fire all their slime at them. Sliding around gradually getting closer, the five heroes took a step back until they were almost touching each other and got into their fighting formation before nodding at each other.

"EW EW EW EW EW GROSS GROSS GROSSSS!!!!" Mimiko cried out.
"Don't complain, if you didn't get in my way we wouldn't have been covered in all this slime dummy," commented Flamieh with a slight tone of anger.
"Well if it weren't for Hanari and Merai talking to each other and them getting in my way, I wouldn't have got in your way!" Miko claimed.
"Don't blame us for your mistakes!!" exclaimed Hanari.
"Hey everyone, let's calm down," laughed Celest nervously.

Waiting outside,Merai had finished getting dressed and glanced into the clear sky, breathing in the fresh air happily; she noticed a small girl on the streets who seemed confused and had no idea what was happening.  Approaching her, she bent down to where the girl was and asked her with a polite sweet smile "Where are your parents? Are you lost?" Staring into Merai's eyes with a blank expression tilting her head to one side "Pa - Parants? Pearents? Parents?"
Merai laughed nervously, "What about... where are you from?" and surprisingly the girl pointed to the sky then the ground below then at Merai. Merai had no idea what that meant and was even more helpless than she already was. "What about your name? You must know that!" questioned Merai but the girl merely shook her head rapidly.

That night around the fire, everyone sat in silence as they all watched girl eat plenty of corn and s'mores happily. "What are we going to do with her?" asked Mimiko tying the girl's hair into two neat buns. Hanari shrugged and finished putting the tents up. "Well no matter this isn't stopping me going to Cloud 9 tomorrow, I need answers," announced Flamieh taking another sip of his drink. Gazing at Flamieh, Merai gave a worried expression and sighed. Bouncing up and appearing at Flamieh's face startling him, "Cloud 9," she repeated "Take me with you! Cloud 9, I need to go there." Everybody as surprised as Flamieh was, all thought the same thing 'That's the most she's said all day but Flamieh coughed and replied "I'm sorry little one, it's too dangerous." Pouting and backing away into a tent, the girl suddenly seemed angry so much that she had small horns and tail with wings of a bat. Glaring at Flamieh, Miko went straight to the girl to try calm her down. "So she's a demon," Hanari pointed out the obvious.
"No ordinary girl, Flamieh at least take her with you, don't you think it's strange she started talking as soon as you mentioned Cloud 9?" Merai suggested. Thinking about it hard, Flamieh grunted "Fine, as long as she doesn't get in the way." Sitting beside him all of a sudden, the girl grinned "Devi Devi~." Mimiko thought about this "Well we're going to need a name for you."
"Devi Devi?" questioned the girl.
"Devi? I guess that's a name?" Hanari suggested.
"Merai is it just me or does she seem a little like ya know, her,Boxy," Celest questioned. Keeping silent for a moment, Merai shook her head and smiled "No it can't be," can it?

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