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“Now I know what you’re going to say to me and I’ve heard it before ‘Dark you shouldn’t hold grudges’ and honestly, I get told not to do a lot of things. No matter how many times I hint that it’s really annoying people need to stop, they don’t stop. There’s one I was talking about the other day, she’s so stupid she didn’t even realize it was about her, then proceeded to try to tell me what to do a bit later. Acting like my mother, I think the fuck not.” Dark let out an angry breath and closed his eyes. “I’m sorry dears, I get worked up when someone can’t take a hint.” He sniffed, straightening himself and moving back to the chair he had abandoned earlier. “Anyways, yes, the Persuasion Room was created specifically to hold Sitri, meaning, while within its confines I possess the ability to block or remove any or all abilities from someone that finds themselves unlucky enough to be in my chair.” He tapped his foot on the ground as he thought.. “I still have yet to find Sitri, and quite honestly I hope Abraxas killed him after I escaped, but if not, I’m still waiting for him to show up.” Dark coughed a bit and cleared his throat. “But moving off of the Persausion Room, I have a few other things I need to explain about myself, and they’re exactly why I decided to tell this story, I want you all to be able to know me better, To understand why I do what I do and act how I act. I’m not the way I am because that’s how I was born, I grew into my personality I have based off of the experiences I shared a few more I want to explain.” Moving smoothly, the demon uncrossed his legs, switching their positions and crossed them once more. “Now I know it is a very common trait of myself to see me as a rather controlling, dominant figure, but I wasn’t always that way. Going back to Abraxas, as cocky as I was, I always tended to be a bit.., well actually, no I was just submissive. I know it sounds strange to hear such things from someone like myself, but it’s the truth, and something that practically destroyed me over the years.” Smoothing his shirt a bit Dark continued to speak. “After I had managed to get over Abraxas, I moved on, well thought I moved on. After him I went through a multitude of different relationships, and each one ended in the same way. I can practically give you a script of how things worked out.” He sniffed, wiping at his eyes and shifted in his seat. “Once a grew comfortable with anyone of my lovers, they would find out about the destroyed mental state I tried my hardest to conceal and control. The things that Abraxas had done to me instilled fear in my mind that I still struggle to even think about, let alone explain.” He spoke quietly, just playing with his tie. “Like I said it always happened in the same way, you see I tend to have episodes… episodes in which I get myself so deep in fear that I can’t even force myself to move. I can’t really see what is happening in front of me even if I recognize a voice, I’m unfocused, in a trance and it is horrifying. Then once I’m out, it takes me a while to recover, it feels as if every time I make progress and work on fixing myself, I manage to break it.” Dark’s hand slid along his thigh and he squeezed his knee. “So far, Google is the only one that stayed. For him I’m eternally grateful. Even though, I knew he wasn’t going to leave, I was still frightened that he would. When you go through the same scene over and over, with just slightly different details, things get blurred together, you see people in a light you never would want to see them. All G was going was going to grab a shirt and I thought he was actually leaving. Fear distorts the mind, makes things seem worse than they actually are and situations that you shouldn’t even think to fear, your worst nightmare.” Dark took in a deep breath to calm himself and shifted his butt in the chair. “Now I know, you’re probably sitting there still questioning why I am telling you all of this. You’re questioning, why is any of this important, and to you it might not be, but to me, it is dire information to properly explain my personality.” Dark sat forward, his piercing crimson eyes meeting yours with sharp intensity. “You wonder why I am such a dominant and controlling person? Well that’s because, I vowed after all the heartbreak and mental damage I had gone through that, no one else was going to be left feeling like I did. I figured, if I owned the situation, if I manipulated how it went I wouldn’t get hurt anymore, no one I loved would be left feeling as if they were forgotten or worthless. Abraxas did horrible things to me, and he did horrible things to my adopted daughter as well. He was a terrible partner and a terrible father and if there is anything that I can do can change that for someone, I am damn well going to do it.” He spoke fiercely and stood up, roughly straightening his suit and standing before you with bold conviction. "So now that you know my story, sometimes looking into the past hurts, you may forget what people say but not how they make you feel and you may remember the pain of those who left you in the dust like it just happened yesterday, and it's going to beat you down, make you feel like shit, but that's all the more reason to keep going. Eventually one day, you'll find someone that shows you how to heal yourself, someone that teaches you how to make even the most down situations bright, someone that shows you how to help, people that teach you how to accept, and most of all the one that shows you how to love like you've never been broken."

I hope you had fun discovering Darkiplier.

Dedicated to on Instagram:
Healing - @straightouttamark
Joy - @straightouttajack
Assistance - @straightouttaanti
Acceptance - @random_lilly_ & @smolryannarts
Love - @therealgoogleplier_ .

[Now reread the last sentence and you’ll fully understand the dedications.]

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