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Cause it's awesome!

Name: Lillian Mage (given last name was Lawrence, but she changed it)
Age: 19
Gender: Female
T/H: Human
Looks: she is about 5'2, has pale skin, black hair which is usually in a braid over her shoulder, dark green eyes, thin af
Outfit: (emo, Prepare for it) she wears a short black dress with black leggings and dark teal combat boots, along with black lipstick and golden eyeshadow. She also wears two small black star earrings and has a silver ring on her finger. Additionally, she wears a golden locket, which has her and her parents (pictures) inside it, and the locket is shaped like a small heart.
Personality: shy and introverted, emo, can get rude and sassy, but is mostly kind and generous with those she likes, and those she hates, she will ignore. She is also trustworthy and honest about everything.
Friends/family: none (both her parents died and her brother went missing)
Reason why she came to the studio: she got a letter meant for Henry, and thought it would be interesting to explore.
Skills/talents: she can play piano, violin, and clarinet. She can also draw and sing very well.
Weapons: anything she can find
Crush: none
Favorite cartoon: Boris

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