Chapter 1 💘 Rascal

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I was bored that day. My list of pairs seemed to be endless and I can't wait to finish up so I can go back to reading on wattpad. Yes, cupids do read and yes again, I have gadgets. What can I say, earth things grow on you when you lived with humans for eons. Besides, romance stories helps me with the love jigs.

My name is Raine a.k.a. stupid cupid. Guess no need to elaborate on that. Let's just say that I always make little mistakes here and there. Mistakes that branded me as the 'Rascal' on the cupid community. I don't care though. They can say all they want, at least, I always get the job done.

This job is the most hypocritical job, makes me nauseous to watch two people meets and falls in love and gets married. The ends is always, like ninety nine percent, the same— divorce.

It wasn't always like this though. There was a time, a very long time ago, when humans were innocent and loving. When they fall in love, well, they stay in love. But now? It's the twenty first century. Who cares about love?

Cupids are the best example. We never, like never ever, have a pair. Single forever. That's our absolute rule. Well, it's all angels rule actually. I always wonder why this job was given to a bunch of idiots who doesn't even know what love is. And yeah, I hate to admit it that I'm one of those idiots.

So back to being a rascal. As I mentioned earlier, I only make tinnie tiny bit of mistakes everywhere. And trust me, it's a whole lot of those mistakes were unintentional. I never thought that a day will come that I'd finally make a very big mistake. A ticket to hell banishment mistake.

It was one snowy afternoon. I was on my last pair on my list when I decided to grab a bite first. Don't look at me. Yeah right, we eat. But not as you think it is. We eat from humans feelings especially from those who are in love. Don't worry it doesn't harm anyone. We just consume those euphoric auras radiating from their bodies. And believe me, it's the most delicious taste anyone can ever imagine. Beyond description.

Why we eat when angels actually don't? Good question. Cupids are not pure angels. We're halfbred. Sort of nephilims, but, we are born of human mother through angel's spirit. That's why, our stations are all on earth. We rarely visit heaven. Only special occasions.

"Hey, Raine! Hurry and finish up. I'll wait for you at Station 4." Samantha, my bestie, calls up to me.

"Okaay! Just give me a sec. See yah."

I recognized the voice. Oh well, screw me for not entirely seeing her. My vision is all fudgy after my so called siesta. It was the main reason why nobody is allowed to feed on the job. But who cares about the rules. Certainly, not me.

I narrow my eyes to focus on my target. A famous workaholic brain surgeon who forgot about love. She won't see my arrow coming.

I followed the glowing mark of my target and poof! There goes my last mission. Done!

Mission Accomplished.

Me and Sam were entering the submission hall when I heard the call of doom.

"Raaiinnee! What on heaven did you do?!"

Yup! That's me being in trouble again. Oh well, somebody did see my feeding crime. So here it goes.

"I'm so sorry, head mistress. I swear it won't happen again. It was just a little loophole." I explain immediately on my way to the stand in front. My fellow cupids made a way for me like Moses parted the sea. They all line up to see another 'Rascal Edition 101'.

"Meet me at the private chamber. Now!" The command is full of incoming storm filled with lightnings and thunder. Boy, I'm in soon much trouble.

"Little? Do you have any idea what you've done? I won't be able to defend you this time. The higher ups are all in outrage." She rants after I close the door behind me.

"Whoa! Hold your pips. Since when did the feeding concerns the higher ups, mother?"

Yup! That ladies and gentlemen is my one and only, not so loving mom. The head mistress of cupids. She hates me. She hates my guts, always babbling about me giving our family shame especially her.

"Feeding? Who cares about a stupid feeding? I'm talking about the archangel Michael, you dimwit!" My mom is losing her composure. A rare occurrence. Joke! We're actually like this when no one's around.

"What about him? I never met the guy and aren't they supposed glued to the throne room? Their big, arrogant asses are just too good to be bossed around."

"Precisely! I mean, their occurrence down here is something that's hardly missed. So why did you?" My mom raises her brows on me. She always does that when she doubts that I did some hocus pocus.

"Oh, C'mon. I'm not a fan of these superstars wannabe. So excuse me mother if I missed the occurrence." I do some finger quotes to put more emphasis while rolling my eyes.

"Oh my! You were on a high! That explains your ignorance! You did mention feeding! Please tell me you didn't shoot an arrow right after feeding."

Oops!  You see right there? That's me being caught in the act. Feeding is strictly prohibited and shooting while on high? Nah ah. It's way more than just sanctions. I'm in big trouble. Me and my big mouth.

"Head mistress. Please, I'm sorry. It won't happen again. Please. My job was done without trouble anyway so can't we just forgive and forget?"

My mom stares at me with her mouth hanging open. She's overreacting again.

"Mom?" I wave my hands in front of her, "aherm, earth to mother."

"Oh my, oh my, oh my."

My mom collapses on her chair, fanning herself. I think she's hyperventilating already.

"You okay, mom?" I ask her in confusion. Now that she mentions it, what did she mean by ignorance? I'm about to ask her but she beats me to it.

"Is shooting an arrow to an archangel means no trouble for you?" She asks me with a sigh while pressing her forehead.

"What the F! Where is he mom? I need to fix it before he approach the one he sets his eyes first." I totally dug my own grave. I ask my mother in panic.

"He's still there at the park you shot him. And Raine. . ." She pauses to release another long sigh and added, "don't come back until you fix it. You will be on the list of banishment soon. And please don't get caught before you fix it."

My tears made marathon with each other as I listen to my mom. Her disappointment and fear makes her face look older. She hugs me and off I go.

Back to the park, I see him sitting on a bench. He's emitting a faint white glow. How stupid of me. How on earth did I mistake a white glow to the usual yellowish glow of our targets! Oh yeah, right. I was freaking high! Stupid!

I'm hesitant at first, actually I'm scared of his temper. Michael is known for his arrogance. But, I have no choice.

I walk slowly towards him and stand in front of him.

"Aherm, Mi--Michael. S-sir?" I squeak.

He looks up to me. His face brightens immediately and gives me a dazzling smile.

Oh boy. I think I'm more in trouble. I never seen this guy up close. He's not just handsome but absolutely yummy!

I compose myself, "Um, sir. I'm sorry. I was the one who shot you and if it's not too much to ask. Can you please tell me who you looked at first? I promise I will fix it." I'm confident that I could. What could go wrong. He's paired with a human most probably that surgeon. It can be reversed. Only angel pairs are permanent so I'm safe. No biggie.

His smile deepens and he answers, "I'm looking at her."

My breath hitches on my throat from shock! This can't be happening!

He stands up and the moment he hugs me, I fainted.

My ARCHANGEL Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora