Signed, a bitter bitch.

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Chapter 5: Signed, a bitter bitch.

"Where you got this one from?" Gio asked Speed as he sat on his crotch, both of them wrapped in a thin grey sheet. Gio was rubbing down a scar down the middle of Speed chest. The scar was faint, but it was there.

"That one was actually not my fault. I was born with a heart defect. I went thru countless amount of surgeries and finally a heart came
up and I got a new one. I still have to take a few meds every few months." Speed explained. They stared into eachother eyes and Gio argued , "And you going to sell drugs with this second chance of life you was given." Speed took a deep breath and moved from under Gio and sat up at the end of the bed.

"It wasnt my intention to do it, my brother needed me to. We just got on a good track and finallt accepting that we have the same father." He explained. Gio exhaled, "I didnt mean to make you mad, I just dont want you to--" Gio crawled down the bed and wrapped his arms around Speed neck and whispered into his ear, "Get caught, because then instead of you fucking me until 6 AM...your bunkmate will have you in my very position." Speed smirked and threw Gio around his body and the two fell backnin the bed and started play fighting.

The twisted, turned, and rolled over in eachothers touch. Finally Speed pinned Gio down and stared into his eyes.

"I aint getting caught. Or fucked for that matter, now speaking of fucking--" Speed stood up and went to twirling his semi-hard dick around. He held his other hand out and slapped it against the palm. He licked his lips and said, "You ready?"Gio laughed as he turned over and got in the doggy-style position.

Manny arose from his bed and he had a banging headache. He looked over a the empty bottle of jack on his dresser. He looked over and seen no Gio in sight. He quickly grabbed his phone from the charger and called. No answer. Suddenly, he heard a knock at the door and the R.A spoke, "Room checks at Noon--" Manny rushed up so fast and opened the door. He stepped out in his baby blue CK briefs and asked, "Everybody, Roy?" Roy turned around and said, "All resident. The Police is actually conducting it. And no one could leave until its over. To you know not allow yall to sneak your illegal shit up out of here." Manny chuckled and walked back inside. He closed the door back and stared over at his closet knowing the bag of drugs he have lay there.

"Fuck I need to talk to Speed...and quick!" He mumbled.

Tiff smelled bacon. She rose up from the couch of Undercover Agent Highland. It took her awhile for her mind  to actually register, but it all came back to her quickly. Agent Highland waddled over towards the couch with a plate of bacon. Tiff shaded him, "You dont think you've had enough bacon."

Agent Highland laughed, "Oh you are funny. Little girl dont make this weight fool you. I aint your average fat person. For one, I am healthy in weight according to my Doctor. Dick long and thick. And I can run. Now I tried to be nice and allowed you to only give me a piece of info."

"Piece? All I told you was that if its drugs on campus do a drug check." Tiff told him. He laughed as he crunched on the bacon.

"Exactly. I contacted my superior and got a rush on one. All dorms will be getting checked by official officers. The drug we are looking for is new. The drug we are looking for is more than weed and cocaine. Its something that is causing people to do stupid shit and to die. I have suspected drugs on this campus for some years now." He explained. Tiff fixed her jacket and said, "And why now do you think you are going to get any closer. Newsflash its college. Everyone smokes."

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