Yi YangQianXi/ Jackson Yi

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Hey it's me Y/N. I'm a new transfer student from the city of New York, I recently moved to ChongQing with my parents due to my father's new job and if you didn't know. Let's just say I'm anti social.

I'm the person that sits in their room and does stuff sat in the dark. Alone. Well I say my room with my lights off, what I really mean is the dance studio my parents installed in our house for me since dance is my favourite thing in the absolute world. When I dance it takes my stress away and I basically let loose.

The other day, I built myself a fort in the corner of the dance studio so it's my room now basically. I had a mattress, some poles and a blanket which sat on top the poles. I had pillows cushions, covers and a blanket that I used to cover myself with. Last thing was my little teddy bear which I've had since I was just a little baby.

I have my phone, laptop and iPad with me all the time, especially in my dance studio.

Today is my first day at school and I'm nervous out of my mind. I changed into the uniform and walked out the door and upstairs, if you didn't know. The dance studio was installed in the basement with sound proof walls and doors so I can dance to music as loud as I want, as late as I want, as much as I want.

I sat down at the dinner table, my mother placed the breakfast down in front of me and my dad was sat at the end of the table reading the newspaper.

"Morning sweetie how did you sleep?" Asked my mom
"Morning mom. I slept just fine." I responded,
"That's nice hon, you excited for the first day of school?" Asked my dad,
"I'm super nervous. You know I don't get along with people much." I said, stuffing my face in with food
"You'll be just fine. I know you will." Said my mom joining us at the table.

In my mind I just thought of all the things that could possibly go wrong.

Soon I finished my breakfast and I set it into the dishwasher, I slipped my shoes on and slung my bag over my shoulder. I opened the door and headed to school.

I stared at the pavement as I walked along, more though rushed through my head.
Is anyone gonna like me? What's gonna happen? Oh no. What am I going to do? I started to panic, but before I knew it, I was at school.

Stood outside the school gate I waited until it was finally unlocked. Carefully I walked in not making eye contact with anyone and staring at my feet.

I wonder where I could go for lunch and I'm curious if is school has a dance studio that I could go in for lunch. It's not like I'm going to socialise with anyone anyways.

Eventually I made it to class and I sat down, the teacher walked in. We took some notes down about the lesson, well I say we. I was basically the only one taking notes down. Others were passing notes and throwing stuff at the teacher.

About 4 hours later, it was finally our lunch break and I wasn't hungry so I started to wander the school. I then heard something. It was noise coming from ahead of me. I continued to walk towards the noise. I came to a set of double doors.

Do I open it do I not. Do I open it do I not. Do I open it do I not.

Screw it. And I pushed the doors open and ran in to see a boy about my age dancing. I stared at him from the side. He's really good. He's got really rhythm and flow and knows this really well.

After a short while the song stopped and he turned to look at me. Oh no. He's caught me looking at him. I looked down and was about to run out when I felt a grasp on my arm. I was pulled back and he spun me around so I was facing him.

"Hey. My name is Jackson. What about you?" He asked not letting go,
"M-my name is Y/N," I said looking down,
"Y/N." He mumbled, "Thats a pretty name," he said smiling at me. I smiled back at him and loosened up a little bit. He let go and then turned the music up again.

"Come on just follow my lead," he said, I put all of my stuff onto the floor and stood next to him and did exactly what he did, I was having the most fun I had in ages. I had a genuine smile on my face for once.

This was the best experience ever.

The song ended and I heard claps from the corner of e room, I looked over to see two more boys also around our age.

"Wow Jackson, I see you've made a new friend." Said one of them,
"Haha yeah, she's good at dance as well," said the other one,
"Heh. What can I say." Jackson replied,

He two boys laughed and walked up to me,
"Hey my name is Karry, nice to meet you," he greeted,
"Name's Y/N." I replied,
"HI MY NAME IS ROY AND IM SO HAPPYYYYYY TO MEET YOU!" The other one said embracing me into a hug,
"Haha nice to meet you too," I said hugging him back.

"Anyways nice dancing with you. See you tomorrow?" Asked Jackson and I nodded.
I'll be back. Tomorrow.


That's my story of how I met my best friends and my. Boyfriend. Yes. Jackson became really close to me and he took me on a date and we became official. I know their identities but I don't care. I love them.

Karry and Roy are like brothers to me and well Jackson. Is my boyfriend and I love him.

He's mine. I'm his.

Hope you enjoyed that one shot.❤️

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