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Authors Note. This one shot is dedicated to my best friends JiSeOHyuL and deleter_ . First of all Happy Birthday Seohyul, love you lots, best birthday wishes from me. Next thing is I wanna say thank you both for absolutely everything. You girls bright up my day every time I talk to you. You really mean the world to me, I don't know what I would do without you two. I love you. Anyways this is just a small gift to them to say Thank You.

This one shot is EXTRA long due to it being a dedication one shot for my forever BEST friends so yeah. Bare that in mind when reading.

Elaine's P.O.V

Buzzz. Buzzz. Buzzz. Buzzz. Buzzz. Buzzz.

I picked up my phone from the bedside table. I swiped it open to see the called ID. I held it against my ear.

"Hello? Yes. Yes. I'm on my way now. I'm all packed just need to change and I'll be at the airport in a bit. Yes. Alright then. See you later. Bye." With that I ended the phone call.

I grabbed my towel and walked into the bathroom. I took a quick shower before stepping out and changing into a crop top, leggings and sneakers. I then put on a black cardigan over it. You see I'm going to be travelling to China alone for the first time. I'm 16 and I'm going to Chongqing.

Today is also the day that I meet my friends Giselle and Cheryl too. We met each other a few years back and have been planning this for ages. It's actually coming true!

Enough blabbering. I brushed my hair and let it loose. I then packed the last of my essentials before heading downstairs with my suitcase and handbag and placing them by the door. I saw my parents in the kitchen and my sisters in the living room.

"Morning mom, morning dad." I greeted,

"Morning sweetie. How'd you sleep?" My mum asked,

"Just fine but I should get going now. I'll miss my flight if I don't hurry up." I explained,

"Alright honey. I'll just go get my keys and we will drop you off." Said my dad. I nodded as he ran upstairs and got his keys.

I grabbed my handbag and put it round me as I lifted the suitcase to my dad's car and into the boot. I bid farewell to my mother and sisters and sat down in the passenger seat and before I knew it they were distant shadows.

Soon enough I arrived at the airport and I took my belongings off with me and said farewell to my dad and went through the airport. Here we go. I checked my passport, through security, had a bite to eat, found my terminal and waited till we were allowed on and blah blah blah. Finally I was in my plane seat. Slowly but surely, we took off and I was in the sky. There was no turning back now.

Giselle's P.O.V

I can't believe this is happening. After the longest years everrrrr. The problem is I'm sat in the isle seat, beside a really annoying person and in front of us is a baby crying! I swear to god if they don't shut up, they're in for something special. I plugged my earphones in and started listening to music.

Cheryl's P.O.V

For the first time. My parents have let me do this. I'm so happy! I can't wait to meet the other two in person after so many years! I pulled out my laptop and plugged my earphones in, then I started to scroll for movies to buy time. I'm also hungry too.

~Time skip to after the flight~

I'm here! I'm actually here! Alone! In Chongqing! I walked off the plane with my carry on luggage in my backpack and I headed off the plane to find the girls and my other luggage. Soon enough I found my luggage on a conveyor belt and I picked it up and walked out of the terminal door. I arrived outside and found some signal so I texted the other two girls.

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