Luhan-tfboys - Wang JunKai/Karry Wang❤️

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luhan-tfboys grandmama! Haha kiddingggg❤️ love you loads big sis! Dedicated to her!


"Mommy?" Asked my daughter snow as she reached her arms out to me

"Yes sweetie?" I asked picking her up and walking over to the couch.

"What day is it today?" She asked, I giggled at her question.

"It's a really special and important day for you sweetie. Don't worry, you'll find out soon?" I said, she nodded and hugged me tightly. I kissed her on the forehead before setting her down.

Just at that moment, my husband came downstairs wearing his usual clothes. With him being an idol and stuff, he gets to wear basically whatever he wants. That is until he gets to the studio and stage and stuff. He saw us and smiled before walking over.

"Morning babe," he said pecking me on the lips and looking to our child,

"Good morning babe." I responded as I headed upstairs to get ready for work.

"Good morning sweetheart!" He exclaimed to our child.

The rest of the conversation I didn't quite catch since I was already in our room getting changed for work. I changed into a white shirt, leggings, a grey cardigan and converse. I then tied my hair up into a side fishtail braid and made sure everything was ready for the day.

I grabbed my bag and files and headed downstairs, my husband was about to leave so i pecked him on the lips once more before he left. Now it was just time for me to take this little angel to school and start my day at work.

I picked her up and we headed out the door for the day. I put my files and books in the passenger seat and seatbelted snow in the back. I then got into the drivers seat and we hit the road, ready or not for the day, we didn't really have an option.

Eventually, we made it outside of her school. I took her inside and left the rest for her kindergarten teacher to sort whilst I had to go deal with kids aged 11-16 in maths class.
"Happy Birthday sweetie!" I exclaimed before leaving. Aish. Being a high school maths teacher is not fun. The kids seem to think they can do whatever they want and get away with it. They're DEAD wrong.

Here is when the day actually starts... please end quick. It's an important day today.

~Time skip~


Am I glad to hear that school bell or what? Aish. Sometimes these kids drive me insane... I packed all of the work stuff into the cupboards at the back of my classroom. I then packed my stuff up and left the classroom locking the door. I left the school grounds and to pick Snow up from kindergarten.

I pulled up outside and stepped out, she spotted me and ran right up to me arms wide open, I bent down and got to her level then picked her up and kissed her on the cheek.

"Hey sweetheart, how was kindergarten?" I asked

"Funnnnnnn!" I giggled a little before getting her into the car and driving home.

After about 10 minutes of driving, we arrived home and as soon as we got through the house doors, she flopped herself onto the couch. I couldn't help but laugh at her, aww what a cutie, how did I get so lucky?

I put our stuff down and went to her and sat down beside her, I played with her hair as she lied there. I switched the tv on and sat there watching it with her as we waited for him to come back home from work. Eventually, it got to about 6 o clock. He's finishing work early so should be getting home soon.

I heard the lock on the door twist. Speak of the devil aye? He burst through the door scaring Snow a little. But she perked up when seeing that her father was home. He came and joined us on the couch whilst we sat. I swear if he forgets what day it is today...

"Hey babe. What's with your face?" He asked, nope yea he forgot.

"Do you not remember what day it is?!" I asked almost fuming,

"Uhm... Sorry babe... I don't..." he said, oh my lord... my own husband forgot his daughter's birthday... it's the reason he's finishing work early.

"Get yourself changed. We're going out for dinner with family and everyone. It's your daughter's birthday. Stupid." He slapped his own forehead and rushed upstairs. I laughed at his stupidity.

I took Snow upstairs and changed her into a white dress with a pink ribbon belt that ties into a bow in the back. Along the ribbon were silver gems. I then put her in a pair of white flats with straps that go round her ankles. I gave her a little pearl necklace to wear and then I sat her down in her vanity chair and did her hair. I twisted a piece of hair on each side and pinned it back with a bow clip. I then put a little tiara onto her head.

My gorgeous girl is growing up so much already... I took her downstairs and put her on the couch whilst I went to get ready.

I put on a simple knee length body-con with a ruffle around the top. I put on a pair of white heels with straps around the ankle. Since I had curled my hair earlier, I didn't do it again, I just put a bit of hairspray in to keep it from falling out. I then put on a bit of a makeup to give it a natural look. Concealer, mascara and lip gloss. I don't like to wear makeup but I'll wear a bit if it's a special occasion.

Once I was ready, I grabbed my bag and put all of my necessities in there and headed downstairs. My husband stood in a black suit, white shirt, black pants, black shoes and a black tie. We were all ready by now and we headed out the door to the venue.

"Just to mention. You look stunning tonight." He said, yes I've dated him for ages but it still makes me flustered.

"Thanks, don't look bad yourself." I responded, he just giggled.

I got into the passenger seat and he put Snow in the back just before he got to the driver's seat. The venue was about 20 minutes away from our home. Through the journey, we just listened to music, and had a conversation about each other's day. It didn't feel like long before we had arrived at the venue.

As we entered, we were greeted by a woman who looked as if she was in her mid twenties to early thirties. Anyways that's not relevant as to why we're here.

"Um a reservation under Mrs and Mr Wang in a private room?" I asked, she checked the register and nodded.

She led us to the private room with streamers, balloons, a giant banner that had Happy 3rd Birthday Snow written on it, a chocolate fountain, a triple-layered cake to celebrate 3rd, and a giant dining table. This place was tip top perfect. After admiring it unconsciously for 5 minutes or so, we sat down at the table, people began to pile inwards.

~Time skip~

Everyone is here now time to start the cake.

"Happy Birthday to you. Happy Birthday to you. Happy Birthday to Snow! Happy Birthday to you!" We sang happy birthday to her, and she made a wish before blowing out the candles.

"Sweetie what did you wish for?" My husband asked curiously.

"Well. Mommy said that our love will be forever but forever has an expiry date too so I wished our love. My mommy, my daddy and my love is always and eternal." How touching...

"And that promise will be kept." Me and my husband Karry said in unison but a whisper.

We looked at each other. This reminds me of how we first met... His eyes sparkled in the light... We looked down at our daughter and smiled. We picked her up and kissed her on each cheek at the same time.

Our love isn't forever. It's always and eternal...

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