The Triplets: Part 1

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Note: I do not own K project or any of the characters that appear in the show

This is set after K: Return of the Kings

"Hmm?" A young high-school-aged girl glanced up, her long black hair swaying to and fro in her tightly bound ponytail. In front of her were three men, all giving off a vibe that screamed gangster and bad. Holding knives that were clearly not sharp anymore and some cans of beer with certain looks in their eyes, reinforcing any suspicion of what was going to go down next.

Flashing a grin and breathing out a gagging scent of alcohol, one of the men staggered forward. "Ya, bitch. Heh, come... come with us if you...know what's go-good for you." The first man loomed over the ponytail girl, easily ten inches taller and showed off several scars etched into his arms. The girl's eyebrows came together and her mouth twisted up in disgust.

"Come with you? Do you know who I am, creep? I'm the best street fighter in this whole damn country, you should run away if you know what's good for you." The young girl stared the three men down, crossing her arms revealing her slightly bulky biceps through the tight black jacket. The drunkard's eyes glazed over, not noticing the new dangerous aura around her or the showcase of strength and instead continued to stumble forward and reached out for her wrist.

The girl stepped back, her eyes searching what he was after. Her cheeks coloured as she followed his gaze to her chest. She looked back up, raising her arms and lowering her body, simultaneously observing his lack of defence and balance. The man in vain tried to grab her arm, but with his distorted vision and her quick reaction speed, she grabbed him first. Before anyone has even realised it, she twisted his arm around his back and pulled sharply making him groan loudly.

His eyes snapped open, lurching forward and with his free hand, try to drag the younger girl away from behind him. "YOU LITTLE WHORE. I... I'LL KILL YOU... YOU MOTHER FUCKING BITCH. GET ORPH..." Like David slaying Goliath, the girl's hand fell to her side and the man dropped onto his knees howling out a multitude of curses to the heavens. The blood trickled down to his neck and the glass bottle stained red.

The men behind the duo started, the second man throwing away his can of beer and moved his knife into his dominant hand, "Why you... you bitch." She dropped to the floor as he lunged into thin air. Before he had time to steady himself, she rose and grabbed his arm, using his momentum to force him to crash into the alleyway garbage bags. He staggered up, trying to look menacing with banana peel stuck resolutely on his head.

The first man got up and grabbed the knife of the other man who hadn't moved since the start of the fight. Like a bull, he saw red and charged straight forward, giving her little time to try and get out the way. He slashed his knife around like he was trying to kill a swarm of flies, his unpredictability catching her stomach. The small scratch didn't even bleed, but the girl went but into her fighting stance, now focusing on the first man intently. The second man took this opportunity to grab her jacket and yank her backwards into his fist. The first man followed, digging his knife into her stomach.

Grinding her teeth, she used her agility to get out of her jacket and speed to avoid the next flurry of attacks, collapsing next to garbage decorating the ground in filth. The first man gnashed his teeth and flung his knife at her while her attention was diverted to her wound. The knife wouldn't have hit her, but in that split second her hand latched onto it and she deftly spun it into her grasp, the corners of her mouth creeping up.

Applause caught everyone's attention as the third man finally stepped in. His stride was more steady than the first two men, and his eyes didn't have nearly as much ferocity residing within. "Now then little girlie, that was quite the show you put on. Unfortunately, we don't have time to play with you any further, I'm sure you understand. Come now you two, leave her be. You've already left your mark." He was shorter than the other men, less bulky and threatening -  particularly as he was wearing a dress suit with a bright gold tie.

"Shut... the fuck up..." The second man slurred, charging with his knife like some wild beast. The girl stood up, grimacing as she took quick hasty steps out the way and tore into the man's arm with her new knife. Crying out with pain, the man face-planted the filthy street.

"YOU... YOU MOTHER... FUCKING", the first spat, however, was led away by the third man like a little child. Snarling back at her the entire way till she was out of view. She could finally breathe and she stopped to collapse, tears welling up in the corner of her eyes. Straining to reach, she grasped her torn jacket and then tied it harshly around her stomach.

Digging her palms into her stomach she got up and staggered out of the godforsaken alley into the blinding light of streets lined with shops and big screens. A whole different world compared to the one she had just been in. Ignoring the stares, she disappeared just like anyone else in that crowd. Just like she was any other girl. Just like nothing had ever happened in that god forsaken alley. Just like that.

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