First the Ace, then a Cheat

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The night was cool, slightly breezy with a few autumn leaves scattered on the paths. The trees swayed lazily from side to side and water trickled slowly from the fountain in the midst of it all. The girl had smiled at the group of men before her and dodged their attacks smoothly. Her ponytail flew from side to side, hitting a few in the face in the process as she ducked down and punched the ones in front of her, in the stomach. She stood up and rolled back her shoulders, frowning slightly now as the men then got up again. Her eyes seemed to sparkle as the park lamp lights reflected off of them. She almost seemed to be enjoying this fight a little too much. 

The orange-haired boy with the skateboard came forward growling and swung his bat at her. She couched down as it flew over her head, her hairs standing up. She got up, and when the boy tried to hit her again, she grabbed his bat. 

Here's when the fight between HOMRA and her got a little out of hand, however. As she was trying to wrench the bat from the boy's grasp, he held onto it just as determinedly, and they had a game of tug and war, each pulling as hard as possible on their end of the bat. The other members just looked on in bewilderment as the fighting rapidly dissolved into puzzled shrugs at one another. The girl muttered something that sounded like "Let go already. I'm way stronger than you, you midget."

This seemed to only anger the boy more, and he cried out "Like hell you are, b*tch."

The tug of war went on till a blonde-haired man with a cigarette in his mouth and purple-tinted sunglasses, walked up to the group. Wisps of smoke trailed from his mouth into the air and away. Beside him walked a small girl who looked around twelve years old. She had white, long hair travelling down her back, doll-like features and red, pretty eyes. The man was wearing a white collared shirt underneath an opened black jacket with blue jeans. The girl, however, wore a cute red and black dress with ruffles and ribbons everywhere and a red hooded shawl over her shoulders. 

They walked side by side into the park, underneath the lamps' warm yellow lights. The girl looking tiny compared to the grown man beside her and had to walk faster to catch up with his stride. They came up the two who didn't notice them at first, because of their fight, so the blonde-haired man tapped them both on the shoulder at the same time. The orange-haired boy jumped and let go of the bat in surprise as the girl fell back. She dropped the bat and turned in mid-air to try and stop her fall with her hands. She wasn't fast enough, however, and she landed on her shoulder. She grunted and sat up, her ponytail having come un-done some time in the fight, so her hair was in her eyes. She rolled her shoulders, glaring at the blonde. He extended a hand to help her up, but she ignored it and got up on her own. She dusted herself off and then resumed glaring at the blonde, crossing her arms as she did. 

"Oh sorry about that, are you okay miss?" The blonde spoke as the girl then shifted her gaze to the orange-haired one. He blushed and didn't meet her gaze, so she spoke first. "Told you I was stronger."

"What the hell, you let go of it too!"

"You let go of it first, that means I'm stronger than you."

"F*ck you."

The two glared at each other, though the girl looked more triumphant and she uncrossed her arms. She had retained a cut on her head from the fight, but seemed otherwise unscratched, considering she had been attacked by at least six men, all holding weapons such as knives or bats. 

Her hair blew in the wind showing her brown eyes and a small smirk on her lips. The blonde spoke first, "Okay," He sighed before continuing, "Who's your friend, Yata?"

"She's not my friend! She fuckin picked a fight with us and threatened Anna." He cried, and the blonde turned darkly to the girl.

"Did you now?" She cocked her head to the side, not even twitching under his gaze. She had her hands in her pockets and pulled both of them out now to reveal a hairband in her left hand. Her eyes stared back at the blonde as she began tying back her hair. "As I told these idiots earlier, my name's Cana, Cana Tunsede." 

"Hmmm," Was his response as she finished tying her hair back up into a messy ponytail. A strand of hair blew into her face, making her eye twitch. She pushed it behind her ear and straightened up. "I want to challenge HOMRA, the whole of HOMRA, to a fight. Threatening Anna seemed to be the best way to do that. Don't get me wrong though, I wouldn't actually hurt her." She explained, gesturing to the white-haired girl called Anna. 

Anna watched her and spoke softly "But I'm part of HOMRA too, so doesn't that mean you want to challenge me also."

The girl sighed, "Sorry kid, but you're not a king anymore, and I'm not interested in fighting kids that can't defend themselves never mind others."

Anna frowned and looked down at the ground. The blonde watched her a little sadly and then looked curiously back at the girl with the ponytail who raised her eyebrows. "What? What did I say?"

"So you want to challenge HOMRA then, excluding Anna of course." He recollected, and the girl nodded in agreement. She looked at the orange-haired boy who was still glaring at her. "Is there any reason why, Cana, was it?"

She looked back at the blonde, "I want to defeat everyone worth fighting in this city, I had nearly managed to accomplish this goal in my last town, but we had to move here shortly before I finished. You could say fighting's my hobby."

"I don't think that's a very good hobby for a pretty girl to have." One of them commented, winking at her. She ignored him, brushing the strand of hair back behind her ear again. 

"Well it's good to have goals, I guess," he muttered, "but won't you get suspended for fighting like this?" The blonde asked, readjusting his hair, so his bangs didn't get into his eyes. 

"Suspended? From what?" The girl asked, her head tilted to the side.

"School, don't you attend one?" The blonde prompted.

"Ooooh, right school" Cana replied, "No, Chi's the only one of the three of us that still attends." she paused for a minute before continuing, "Chi's my older sister by the way."

"I see." The blonde said. He breathed in through his cigarette then breathed out the smoky air in his lungs while Anna stepped forward suddenly. 

"Your red." She said suddenly to Cana, "You have a beautiful red." All the men were now focusing on Cana who for the first time in that conversation began to look concerned. 

"Umm, do you mean my t-shirt, 'cause it's kinda faded and old, kid." She replied gesturing to the dark red t-shirt, hemmed with black. 

"No." Anna replied, shaking her head, "No I mean, your aura, you have a red aura."

The girl blinked a couple of times and then turned to look at the rest of HOMRA. "Okay, so what does that mean?" She asked, turning back to Anna who had pulled out a marble and was looking through it at the ponytail girl. 

"You're an idiot." The girl said simply, causing Cana to frown.

"What! No, I'm not. You're an idiot for thinking that." She retorted, crossing her arms. The rest of HOMRA had been looking amused at the to and fro from the two girls, but finally the blonde stepped in.

"Okay, okay, calm down Cana. Let's carry on this conversation back at the bar; it's getting kind of late." They all look at the sky filled with shining stars, and Cana sighed. 

"Yeah, sure I don't mind. I just need to text Chi." She pulled out her phone without waiting for a response and began tapping the screen. She finished and looked up, signalling that she was ready to go.

"So, when did you move here then Cana?" The blonde asked as they began to walk away with him leading the group, followed by Anna and Cana. 

As they walked away, talking as they went, someone lurked in the shadows watching them. A black phone buzzed and lighted up suddenly, and the person sighed. They opened up their phone before then closed it with a snap and walking away. Her long, black hair and her short skirt blowing in the wind while she walked into the pitch darkness of the night.

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