The Triplets: Part 2

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Shoulder length black hair, fading into a dark blue at the tips, fell down straight and precise. She double and triple checked her appearance, making sure he hadn't buttoned her white shirt wrong or missed a hair stuck on her black trousers despite her many hours of scrutinizing them that morning. Finally, she looked up at the large building in front of her chocolate coloured eyes.

I can't do it.

Wanting to take a step forward she froze up after moving only half a centimetre. She started breathing deeper, her nails biting into her palms.

One... *breath*

Two... *breath*

Three... *breath*

One-step and she began to sway forward reluctantly, slowly coming closer to the famous Scepter Four headquarters.

Like some monstrous mouth open wide to swallow her whole, the revolving doors stood opposing her entry. She swallowed and breathed in again, her palms turning white under her unrelenting nails. Taking one last breath she closed her eyes and took another step. Another and another until she was able to push the door around slowly, inching.

She dared to open her eyes for a moment, meeting the red face of the receptionist watching her from the desk. She was clutching her mouth, her whole body shaking violently and her smiling eyes glistening with tears. The younger girl's cheeks turned red and she gasped involuntarily. Straightening up, her nervousness lost in her surprise, she quickly scuttered through the doors and walked up to the desk.

"I-I am so sorry ma'am. I was nervous and well, I-I didn't think there was anyone... well I didn't know you were... well I-I. I'm really, really sorry." She bowed excessively - her face flushing violently, betraying how her heart hammered in her chest. The receptionist, managing to take several deep breaths and regaining her composure, cleared her throat with a wide, beaming smile.

"You must be Miss Tunsede," she began looking like she might break into another laughing fit any second, "your interview is scheduled to be in around fifteen minutes. Can you wait over there until Miss Awashima comes to escort you to the interview room, please?" Managing to retain her professionalism, the receptionist gestured over to a few coffee tables and sofas by the glass wall.

"Th-Thank you, m-miss. I'm so sorry again."

Disappearing to the area pointed out to her, she sat down facing away from the receptionist and tried to gain some semblance of composure. After a few minutes, she got out a phone that looked as new as the day it came out of the box. Webpage after webpage later, she was still looking through the many different pieces of advice the internet gave her that she looked like she was about to cry. 

"Oh god, what was I thinking?"  The girl called Miss Tunsede muttered quietly to herself, her voice as soft as she could make so she wouldn't disturb anyone else. Her trembling hands were firmly clasped together on her lap, almost like she was praying. "There's no way I can do this, I'm already freaking out and I'm not even being interviewed yet. If only I was like my sisters, they would be acting silly like I am..." 

Her unfocused eyes took in the scenery from outside the glass wall, thoughts flying through her mind, unconsciously biting her bottom lip. It was almost as if her life was at stake.

"You look nervous, are okay? Do you want a glass of water?" A gentle voice came from behind her causing Tunsede to jump. She looked behind her to see a woman who looked stunning, to say the least. Her figure was amazingly mature, her breasts, in particular, were like melons and the short skirt she wore as part of her uniform made Tunsede's mouth overflow with saliva. Not to mention that she was pretty, her light make-up complementing her already stunning blue eyes and soft-looking blonde hair. 

"I-Urgh! Water, yes I would like a water, please... thank you." Her bright red ears and flushing cheeks caused the woman to chuckle as she disappeared, presumably to go get the glass of water she had promised. The girl put her hands to her cheeks, hoping she was only imagining the heat that seemed to be radiating off. To her obvious embarrassment, she was not.

To have met such a beautiful lady before her interview... were the gods trying to give her some compensation for all the trouble she was going through to be here. As if they were saying, well you're clearly not going to pass any interview in that state, so here's a nice view to make it worth your time. Though thinking about it again, her uniform seemed reminiscent of the normal Sceptre 4 uniforms she had seen around the city. The uniforms in particular didn't always seem to be standardized, and the only common theme was that all of them showcased the same distant blue colour and a saber positioned by their left hip.

The woman, in particular, had been wearing such a get-up, although she had yet to see any of the female members of the organisation wear skirts that short. While she was grateful for the view, it seemed like it would be uncomfortable and restrive to wear. Although if the woman was only at a desk job that might not be too much of an issue for her as long as she was comfortable with wearing it.

Presently, the woman returned with a large glass of water, which Tunsede gulped down without hesitation. Her cheeks sadly didn't lose their vibrant colour despite the refreshing coldness, making her nervously fiddle around with her phone to try to take her mind off the lady in front of her. When she looked back up again the woman was still smiling, seeming to find the sight amusing, although she did seem to be waiting for Tunsede to do something.

"Thank you... for the water. Umm, my name is Miondre Tunsede, please just call me Mio though." Mio bowed to the older woman, hoping she hadn't made a bad impression on her. Considering she was applying to become a member of Sceptre 4, it wouldn't be good to have a senior colleague to think she was some idiot. 

This lady's eyes opened wide before she nodded to herself as if she just realised something. "I'm sorry, I forgot to introduce myself, didn't I? I'm Seri Awashima, as you are still in the interviewing process I would like to remain formal for now. If you're ready I will take you up to the Captain."

"Eh!" Her mouth dropped open, only just remembering that the receptionist had told her someone would take her to the interview. Her nervousness had presumably caused her to lose track of time. Realising that her upcoming interview was going to be starting sooner than she'd anticipated made the heat from her red cheeks disappear, turning a ghostly white instead. Bowing repeatedly she blurted out, "I-I am so sorry, Miss Awashima. I'm re-ready for the interview now." 

Contrasting her declaration, her fidgeting hands were sweaty and her wavering eyes showed not even a small degree of confidence. She timidly tried to meet Miss Awashima's eyes again only to see the same amused smile across her face. She really was a complete idiot, wasn't she?

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