Shuffling the deck

66 2 0

...The next day...

The girl sat down in her new class. Everyone had been talking about her yesterday and today. It was beginning to take a toll on her. The students around her stared, whispering stuff amongst themselves. Nobody came up to talk to her like they had on her first day. No one smiled or asked her name or to borrow her textbook. She looked down at her lap wanting to be invisible. Then she put on her usual smile and looked around once more, everyone avoided her eye contact except a boy in the back row. He only looked through her though, like she wasn't even there. 

She didn't know anyone except a girl who she had happened to accidentally bump into one time. She didn't even know her name though. This was so awkward. She had two options; become a loner and ignore everyone around her till graduation or try and make friends all over again, right from the beginning. This time it would be harder. They might think she wanted to be friends with to copy their answers like she did with a girl in Class 1C. Well, that wasn't the entire story but it's what everyone believed. Even though the girl was the other end of the classroom, and they had no way of communicating, everyone believed she cheated because they got the exact same answers right down to every last comma and full stop they put. It sure did look like cheating at least, but the school couldn't prove it so they moved her out of the class. The truth is actually more complicated than that though.

She stared at her desk, calculating what was the best scenario to play out. However, the teacher interrupted her thoughts just then and walked in, a smile on her lips and she strolled up to the front. "Now, now everyone, settle down. As I am sure all of you know, Miss Tunsede is transferring to our class today," she motioned for the girl to come to the front. She did so and bowed to the classroom. "Please introduce yourself Tunsede."

She nodded and smiled at the whole class. "Hi there, my name's Chiako Tunsede, but you guys can call me Chi if you want. I love all sorts of things, and I'm particularly good at fortune telling if anyone wants their fortune told. It's a pleasure to be acquainted with you all." She then went back to her seat, her smile still plastered to her face. 

The teacher smiled at her, and then began the lesson. It was English so they began to read from a book, sometimes stopping to figure out how to pronounce some words before carrying on again. She sat attentively, in the fourth row near the wall on the left-hand side of the teacher. 

As soon as class finished she left the classroom to go to the cafeteria, noticing the boy from earlier was behind her. Everyone avioded her and whispered to their friends as she walked down the hallway. She looked out the window and saw a group of three people chatting lively to each other down there. There was a girl with long white hair and a flowing dress standing beside a man with shoulder length white hair whom she recognized to be the new teacher. Beside them stood a young man with long black hair in a ponytail, carrying a sword. She watched them laugh at something and then carried on down the hall, smiling at anyone who looked at her. "It must be nice, to have friends you can laugh with." She thought, still smiling at everyone, acting like nothing was wrong. "I can't let it get to me." 


The girl with the black ponytail was on the streets again. Her wounds were healed and her clothes different, this time she had a black jacket over a faded red t-shirt and dark blue jeans. Her eyes were a bright and reflected all the city lights. "Hmm, what shall it be tonight?" She muttered to herself, walking with her eyes towards the fast food joints. She looked at each one of them till she found the yellow double arches and went in. She was met with a smiling young man who asked her for her order. "Strawberry milkshake and fries." She ordered, glaring at him. He sweat-dropped and said "Coming right up, ma'am."

She sighed and waited for her meal which came in a few minutes. She picked it up and left, glaring at any who met her gaze. She stopped outside to poke a straw through her lid and then continued to make her way across town. There were a lot of people out tonight. She slurped her drink and made her way to the park where she saw the stars more clearly. They were beautiful. She finished her drink, gazing up and noting the different constellations when suddenly someone sat down on her bench. She looked across at the group of males, who smirked and said "What's a beautiful lady like yourself doing out here, don't you know that there's gonna be a fight here. I would hate for your pretty face to get messed up by one of us." His eyes glinted dangerously, but the girl stood up and choose to ignore his comment. She went to the bin dropped her milkshake cup into it and went to another bench to sit down and eat her fries. The men looked at her curiously, "I'm not joking, you will get hurt if you stay." The first man told her, raising her eyebrows and following her over. "Maybe she likes a little danger man. She'll run away when the fight begins. Anyway, where are those guys?" Another man told him, looking around the park.

"They said they'd be here, but they're nowhere in sight. I guess those HOMRA guys are just a bunch of wimps after all." The third man commented. The rest agreed and decided to go home if they did not show up after ten minutes. Then they looked her way and one licked his lips. "Meanwhile let's have some fun with her." 

She looked up at them and finished her last fry before leaving the trash on the bench and getting up. "What, you wanna fight me now. What a bunch of idiots, I could kill you all if I wanted to. Your way out of your league." She smirked, her eyes bright, confidently staring them down.

"Oh, the chick's got a little fire in her, eh. This'll be fun." They started advancing towards her when suddenly there was a yell. "Hey, you're that bunch of idiots that wanted to fight us right?" 

They all turned to see a group of men, one with orange hair on a skateboard accompanied by six others. "We're from HOMRA," Said the orange boy, obviously the leader who showed the mark proudly.

"Oh, this will be a great night." the men in front of the girl chuckled and readied their weapons, which consisted of knives and bats. The girl tched to herself and went off to the sidelines as the men began to chant "No blood. No bone. No ASH" before beginning to fight each other. She watched her eyes narrowing, looking at the stars above again till suddenly she heard a big noise. She knew that recently the Dresden Slates had been destroyed, so the HOMRA group didn't have their powers to fight with like they used to, yet they still were able to hold their own. The orange haired one fought with his skateboard and a bat and was very effective till one of the other men pulled out a gun. He fired and she watched him dodge it, barely though. 'He needs to be more careful,' she thought; watching him fight as well as the other members of HOMRA. Finally, the rest of the men were defeated or had run away and HOMRA was victorious. She slowly clapped while walking forward and the orange haired one turned to her. 

"Wow, well done. I can see that the rumours weren't lying about HOMRA." She smirked, her eyes glint dangerously in the light of the street lamps. 

"Who the heck are you?" One man asked and she straightened up.

"The name's Cana and I want to fight you. All of you, let's say tomorrow night. Bring the whole group over, after all, I want no excuses when I defeat you.." She put her hands in her pocket and watched them attentively.

"What the... No way, your just a little girl. What's so special about you?" One of the members asked and the girl frowned.

"Fine then I demand a battle or I will start hurting your members, maybe I'll kill a few too. "The men looked angry, "Maybe I'll kill your precious little Anna." She struck a nerve. 

"Like hell you will, I'll take you on right now." The members screamed and rushed towards her. 

"Well I did want to even up the playing field, but oh well." She smiled and pulled out a knife from her pocket. "Let's play then.".

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