Chapter 2

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(a/n: Yay! Second chapter! I made Jungkook and Suga brothers because it's a reference to the theories. I hope you enjoy this chapter and the new characters!)

Karter and Ashton approached the rickety wooden door with their heads covered with their hoods. The door was opened by a timid boy who appeared no older than eighteen. A young man who resembled him grasped a lantern and ushered Karter and Ashton in. The lantern shooed away the darkness in the house, so Ashton could see everything clearly.

The walls consisted of colorless wooden planks that were poorly nailed together. Big gray spots littered the ceiling and the tiny kitchen was the size of Ashton's old closet. Despite the cottage being in second-rate condition, Ashton felt a wave of coziness envelop him. It reminded him of when his mother would tell him stories by the living room fire at night, her gentle voice a sweet melody to his ears. He remembered when he would gaze at his mother with wonder and love. With that memory, sadness took hold of Ashton's heart, and he felt his parents' absences more than ever.

The two brothers stood in front of Ashton and Karter.

"Welcome, Lucas and Michael. My name is Raibert and this is my younger brother, Chester. If you need any assistance, please let one of us know," the older brother said. Karter had given Raibert false names in order to hide their identities and location from the assassins.

"I will take you to your room," Chester said in almost a whisper.

"God bless you both," Ashton said. Raibert nodded and walked off to his own room. The boy lead them past a humble table to a small bedroom with two mattresses. Other than that, there was no furniture.

"I apologize for the lack of luxuries, but we ain't exactly the richest folks in town," Chester said.

"Everything is fine. You and your brother's generosity are enough for us," Karter replied. The boy bid them a good night and scampered away like a frightened little mouse. Ashton and Karter placed their very few belongings beside the mattresses.

Ashton plopped onto his bed, which was stuffed with duck feathers. It was nothing compared to his bed at the castle, but at this point, he was glad that he at least had somewhere to sleep. His stomach growled again, but he didn't bother to get up and feed himself.

Ashton turned his head and looked at Karter who was already snoring like a lion. He grinned. Karter deserved a good rest. After all, he was the general's son, and that came with much responsibility and busy agendas. Recently accompanying that was looking after him. To some degree, being the child of a leader of an army was more difficult than being the child of a king.

Once again, Ashton's eyes lowered and unconsciousness settled in.

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Ashton was aroused by awful hunger pangs. He rubbed his eyes and sat up, checking on his sleeping companion. He was surprised that they could sleep in peace, but nevertheless, he welcomed it with many thanks. The bright sun shone through the window, signaling a hopeful new day full of new opportunities. Ashton knew he would need them.

He walked over to the kitchen where Chester was stirring a pot of porridge. His dark hair reminded Ashton of a bird's nest, sticks and leaves and all. He didn't even bother to tuck in his thin shirt. When Chester heard Ashton come near, he hopped a few millimeters.

"G-good morning, sir!" He blurted. Ashton smiled at his shyness.

"Good morning to you," Ashton replied in an amiable tone. Chester poured some soup into a wooden bowl and handed it to Ashton.

"I'm sorry it's not much, but-"

"It's alright. Thank you." Ashton sat at the dining table and took a spoonful of the porridge. To his surprise, it didn't taste too bad. It surely wasn't like the meals produced by the castle chefs, but in a way, it was better.

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