Chapter 30

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(a/n: WOWWWWWW!!! The war is almost done! There's going to be a lot of stuff going on so enjoy the show!)

Screaming, pain, blood. That was all Raibert remembered as he lay helpless on the shore of a lake. He remembered Chester's unnaturally bent body, lifeless, blood spilling out of his mouth. He remembered the torturer's fists colliding with his jaw, over and over. He remembered the tangy taste of blood and the stinging pain in his eyes from them being open so long. He remembered being carried and dumped onto the sandy ground and the guile words being spit into his ear with mockery. If you happen to survive this, let the world know that the king does not fool around.

Raibert let the blood seep from his helpless body. He lost every will to live, after seeing his beloved brother get snapped in half as the gurney folded. The agonizing screams of the boy would forever haunt Raibert's ears.

He hated himself. He hated the torturer. The world. And most of all, he hated Ashton and Karter. Everything was their fault. They were the reason this entire war was happening in the first place. They were the reason Chester was dead.

Raibert never deserved Chester. Now he would never see Chester come home from washing thousands of dishes in the local restaurant with a satisfied grin on his face. He would never feel Chester fall asleep on his shoulder as he played a mournful song on the ancient harpsichord. Chester worked so hard to help him, and now he was gone. Raibert had nothing left now.

Just as Raibert felt his consciousness drift from him, he heard footsteps against the ground. Raibert! I'm so sorry! Raibert wanted to tell the person, "Go away," but he was too weak to speak. The only thing that left his mouth was a groan. Raibert felt himself being picked up and carried. The wind slapped his face as the person ran carrying him. Raibert saw orange lights dancing in his vision. Someone please help! Anyone! He heard the person beg.

Raibert's eyes shut, and the last things that met his ears were urgent shouts and the creak of an opening door.

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A delicious aroma filled Raibert's nose, and he cracked open his eyes to find out where it was coming from. He turned his head, and on the small nightstand beside him was a spoon and a steaming bowl of soup. He shot up in his laying down position and grabbed the bowl. He wolfed it all down as he suddenly realized how hungry he was.

Raibert placed the bowl back where he found it and took the time to observe his surroundings. The room was dimly lit, and there was no furniture except the nightstand the mattress he was laying on. He reached his hand up to feel the bandage wrapped around his head and the smaller bandages on his face. Suddenly he remembered that the person carrying him was probably the one who brought him here.

Raibert looked through the door left ajar and saw the figures of three young men standing in front of a fireplace. They appeared to be discussing something. One of them turned his head in Raibert's direction, told the other two something, and walked into the room. Raibert almost didn't recognize him because of his shaggy orangish-brownish hair.

"You're the strange man from the tavern. Fergus, right?" Raibert said as the visitor sat beside the bed.

"Yes... Hi," was his reply.

"Hello...What's going on?"

"The war is coming to an end," Fergus explained. "The regime of Leopold is going to end soon."

Raibert absorbed this information with some doubts, so the boy continued. "Many towns on the northwestern coast were burned down. Leopold was searching for you and Chester because he found out that you were hiding Ashton and Karter."

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