Chapter 3

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(a/n: Yay! The alien has arrived!)

Ashton and Karter had their heads covered with their hoods, even though nobody in the region knew about what happened a day ago. It was just to be safe, however. Ashton and Karter had explained to the brothers that they didn't want to appear noticeable. Thankfully, Raibert and Chester didn't seem too suspicious.

The party of four walked through the cobblestone streets of the English town of Egremont. In the distance, Ashton could see a sparkling dark surface with rippling waves on the top, and in a second he realized that it was the ocean. He was astounded. It was such a beautiful sight with the sun sparkling over the sea and seagulls flying over the water, reaping all the benefits of their freedom. The only places Ashton has ever been to were the castle and the surrounding towns. His little world had just expanded to something huge and magnificent. It was inspiring in a subtle way.

He tapped Karter's shoulder and pointed to the novel sight. As soon as Karter's eyes landed on it, he smiled a wide and bright smile as if he were a little child who just received a present. His dimples revealed themselves in the cheerfulness. The two men marveled the majestic view.

Their elation was interrupted by faraway screams. They, along with Chester and Raibert, turned to the source. It was the tavern, which was quite a distance away.

They walked under the entrance, which was missing a door, and was met by a wild atmosphere that could catch anyone off guard. Everywhere they looked, men were holding bottles and drinking to their hearts' content. Everyone was either laughing, singing, swaying, or all three of those options. The bartender, who had a cordial countenance, was at the front chatting with some of his fellow drinkers.

Raibert turned to Ashton, Karter, and Chester.

"I'll be right back. I just have to pay for the buckets of peanuts and we'll be out of this cesspool." He walked off.

Ashton looked at Chester.

"I don't really find a reason why Raibert wanted you to come with him." Chester shrugged his skinny shoulders.

"He probably doesn't want me to stay home by myself." Chester turned away and looked at the floor. Ashton began to realize that the two had experienced something. Something that tore their hearts apart and yet, brought them closer together. But he decided not to inquire further, since they were just newly acquainted.

Then someone crashed into Ashton and he tumbled to the floor. Chester and Karter were dumbfounded at the sudden incident. Raibert, along with a few other people, glimpsed in the direction of the new commotion.

Ashton glared up at the person who apparently had no idea where he was going. The man was far from sober and his narrow face showed it. He had a staggering gait and a laugh imbued with hiccups. He held a bottle of gin which he was waving around.

"Ah-hic-hello! I didn't see you there, Cosmo! Hic- I have to dust the- hic! Ma! I'm coming! Hic!" The man wore a sleepy rectangle smile on his face as his hands made circular movements.

"Look where you're going, you savage!" Ashton yelled. More people started to turn their heads and look at the scene.

"What's it-hic-to you?" the drunkard replied. "As long as my name is Fergus, I shall end you with all the-hic-humiliation in the world!" He took out his sword. "With this! Hic!"

The people cheered as if this was the apogee of their lives. They started grabbing the tables, pushing them to the edges of the room. Everyone made a circle around Fergus and Ashton. Raibert, one hand occupied with a bucket of peanuts, wrapped his free arm around Chester and pulled him closer to the wall. Suspense proliferated in the air. Karter marched up the Ashton and spun him around to face him.

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