The Not Very Safe House Part 2

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Lucy's round cheeks slowly rose and fell in a wave-like motion. Frank lay underneath, his legs twitching slightly with each cycle. The rest of Lucy's body stayed motionless. Her chest pressed against his, and her head resting beside his, wearing a wry smile. Slowly and methodically she moved. Persistent and unyielding.

Frank punctuated humming sounds with short grunts. Having come twice, it was less pleasure than it was torture as she continued to stimulate the head. His hands took hold of her ass, limiting its range of motion.

"You gotta give me a break here."

"But I could do this all night," she lifted her head up to grin at him.

"Shit, I believe that, but I can't," he insisted.

"Then why are you still hard?" she asked, moving her hips faster despite his grip.


Lucy rolled off him and turned around. She swung her leg back over him to reverse the position, wrapping her arms around his legs. For another hour they played, with little said between them, then fell asleep before the sun started to rise. On cue, the room shuttered the window with metal paneling and safety locked the door.

A few hours later, Frank's com rang. He waved it quiet and went back to sleep. Again at noon, it rang. This time Frank answered.


"Yo, Frank. They've taken the body."

Frank sat up. "Taken it?"

"Cargill came in early this morning, and by the time I came in it was gone."


"What do we do?" asked Victor.

"Get the tox yet?"

"No, and I won't now," he whined.


"What am I involved in?"

"Nothing, Vic. Don't worry, this will be history soon," assuaged Frank.

"I am going to take a personal day."

"Might not be a bad call."

"Bye Frank."

Frank put the com on the nightstand and gazed at Lucy. Half of her body was sheathed with a sheer bedsheet. He admired her perfect curves, then rolled beside her and resumed his slumber.

He opened his eyes to the nudging of Lucy, who presented him with a plate of eggs and browns. Frank groaned and sat up, trying hard to appear pleased at being awake at dusk. They ate in bed quietly. She beamed at him as he ate, and he beamed back, feeling elated at first. Then his smile dissipated and he felt a knot in the pit of his stomach. The chemistry between them was almost too perfect, and the realization that he felt something more than lust had triggered a sudden anxiety.

After a minute of staring at his plate, he heard her voice.

"What's wrong, babe?"

Frank's eyes were heavy, weighing his pupils down. He mustered the strength to lift them to her direction, bringing her face into view.

"Listen," he started, searching for the right phrasing. "I'm probably reading too much into breakfast in bed, but I'm not looking for anything too serious."

Lucy didn't respond, but instead forked browns into her mouth.

"I'm a jerk, but in case you didn't know that yet, I guess now is better than later. I don't want to hurt you."

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