Chapter 2

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My first class finally started and I'm nervously seating at the last row. All of my classmates know one another, or at least one of them is like me loner and stranger to everyone. I am wearing a headphone to isolate myself from the rest of my classmates who are probably eager to reunite with their friends and return to their natural habitat.

Everyone is divided by groups, there's this one group of boys who are talking to each other in a very loud voice. They all look comfortable with one another and I'm here seating alone at the last row with my headphone playing Let it be by the Beatles.

There is also this group of girls seated from my right at the last row as well who are noisy and I feel like they are watching me. The teacher finally arrives, she's wearing a blue and grey uniform shirt and a black slacks. She's wearing thick glasses and she looks young, but pretty. 

"Hello everyone, so let me introduce myself I am Madam Garcia and I will be your adviser and teacher for Culture Society and Politics for this semester." The teacher said.

"And as you all know as part of our tradition. We will have an introduction."

"But we all know each other already mam." One of the students yelled but she was ignored.

Before the introductions officially began there has to be someone who happens to be late in the very first day of class and as coincidental, cliche and ironic this is the person who happens to be late is her.

"Why are you late, Ms. Rodriquez?" The teacher asked while smiling as if she finds it comical that she is late.

She froze for a moment and she half-smiled at the teacher who apparently smiled back.

"I'm very sorry madam." She said, and for me it was dictated in a sarcastic tonality.

"Take a seat." The teacher said, pointing her finger forward to the vacant seat right beside me.

I guess I am very lucky that the person I admire will seat right beside me for this entire semester. It is a hilarious coincidence similar to those typical teenage cliche stories. She sat beside me her radiance illuminating the entire room with her beauty... at least for me that is.

I kept my eyes straight and forward trying my best to prevent myself from gawking at her which would probably creep her out and that is not a good thing at all.

"Okay so class as our first activity. I want you to face your seat mate and introduce yourself."

I looked at her slowly and she did the same we stared at each other her smile dazzled me and I feel like I'm overwhelmed making it difficult for me to even utter a word.

"Hey do I know you?" She asked me, leaning closer which made my heart pump faster.

"Yeah. I'm your neighbor." I answered back, running my hand through my blonde hair.

"Really? I know you look familiar but I do not know that you are my neighbor." She said.

"... Anyways I'm Leonera my friends call me Nera. I'm glad to meet you. My neighbor and classmate." She added.

"I'm — I'm Felipe, Lipe for short." I said.

"Okay so here's your activity, class. I want you to list three questions that you want to ask your seat mate." The teacher said.

"Three questions huh? Interesting..." She quietly whispered while a smile is drawn by her lips.

This is my opportunity to know her better I don't know if this is dystany or I am just plain lucky but that doesn't matter what's important is that I must seize the opportunity.

I watched her discreetly while she's writing on her pink colored notebook which made me curious and excited at the same time because of the thought of what questions will she be asking.

"Ladies first?" I asked her, gesturing my hand to her paper since she stopped writing.

My heart is like a drum being played by a hardcore metal drummer. I don't know what to expect but I'm hoping for the best.

"Sure, why not. Well — my first question where are you from?" She asked me while she taps her fingers on her table.

"I'm from Los Angeles, United States. I just moved in like two weeks ago here at Angeles City." I said.

Her eye brows are arched, "Oh so that's why you have that unique American accent and that blonde and straight hair."

"I don't know if that's a compliment or not." I jokingly said.

She smiled, "It is a compliment. You do look good."

"... Your turn." She added cutting me off before I even manage to thank her for the compliment which kinda baffled me and made me slightly feel good about myself.

"Do you have a boyfriend?" I asked her almost nonchalantly.

There are two possible scenarios that I am expecting. One is that she will get mad because I'm coming off to strong or she will take it lightly and say the answer and I'm hoping it's the latter.

As expected she did take it lightly, before answering my question she laughed, that funny laugh that will make you laugh along. Her face is so expressive that when ever she smiles or laughs her face glows along.

"Well nope I have no boyfriend and that's an opportunistic question by the way but I like that that's cool." She said, shaking her head while smirked.

"Okay now my next question, what do you think of me?" She said, while her chin is supported by her hand and her eyebrows are arched and a smile is drawn by her lips and her face glowing with enthusiasm.

It took me a while to think of an answer and I feel like I'm in a hot seat being interrogated and my life depends on the answer that I will be giving and if I fail I will fall into my ultimate damnation.

"I think you are pretty normal." I said which I regretted saying.

She smiled, a half smile and then she pulled her head back. I regretted what I said I should have complimented her I should have told her that she look pretty that I admire her and that she's special that her eyes were brown and her amazing straight black hair, and her caramel colored Filipina complexion. 

She leans back forward tugging into my shirt pulling me close and then she whispers quietly into my ear, "And this stuff is pretty stupid. I don't even know why she is making us do this stuff treating us as if we are kids."

"You know her?" I whispered back.

"Yup, I do know her she's a uhh... a family friend. She's a fresh graduate that's why she has all these stupid antics and gimmicks."

"Yeah you're right." I said, she stared at me for a while before leaning back.

I was holding into my paper, the two questions that I have left but it seems she doesn't like the activity so I did not push her to do it anymore. She remained quiet, watching the teacher while I'm seated in front her quietly observing her.

"Okay class, now go back to your seats." Mam Garcia said.

The introduction activity is over and unfortunately I am left discontented due to the fact that I still have two questions left. I just realized that I should have asked the questions but now it's too late. 

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