Day 55

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She sat next to him in the hospital bed as he ran his fingers through her long dark hair.

"I love you so damn much." He whispered, tears filling his eyes.

"I love you most." she said, grabbing his free hand.

Silence. He played with her fingers and she rested her head on his shoulder. "Hey Luke?"


"Did you really want me to use that case for the funeral?"

"Of course." He said, and they laughed softly, the gloomy mood too prominent to have a real laugh.

"I love you so much." She said and he smiled.

"I love you so much." He repeated the words. "I want you and the boys to get first pick out of all my stuff." He said, and she smiled.

"Tell that to your mum."

"I will." He said, calling in his parents. "Blaze and the boys get first pick through all my stuff." He said, and Liz chuckled.

"Okay, honey." She kissed his head and he smiled. Andrew grabbed his sons hand and squeezed it, and ran a hand through his blue hair.

"Don't touch it!" He joked, and his father laughed. They all sat in there together all day, reminiscing and embarrassing each other. Until about eleven, when Luke's heart rate rapidly dropped. Andrew sped out of the room whilst Liz and Blaze sat in the room with Luke, one holding his left hand and the other his right. Until his heart stopped.

Complete flatline.

Blaze felt her heart catch in her throat as Liz let out a sob. She stood there completely frozen, staring at her boyfriend. When Andrew brought the doctor back in, Liz was sitting on the couch, and Blaze was standing there, still holding his hand. Andrew grabbed her hand.

"Blaze, sweetheart. He's gone." He said, and she felt the burning sensation behind her eyelids, the tears already starting to form. She let out a choked sob, covering her mouth with her hand. Andrew led her to the couch, where her and Liz held each other and sobbed for hours on end, until they had taken his body out and they were the only ones in there. Even when they left, she went home with them. She went straight to Luke's room as she had a hundred times before, only this time, she was alone. And he wasn't going to be there again.

She held her tears in and walked towards his laundry basket, reaching for the shirt on top. She stops when she sees a small corner of a piece of paper sticking out from under a book on his desk. Blaze debates on picking it up, wondering if it was her place or not. She figures he isn't going to yell at her, and she pulls it up from the under the books. She gasps lightly to find it was a drawing of him, the one she had done of him before she learned of the diagnosis. When everything was okay. She flipped it over and read the date on the back, and under it, in Luke's messy scrawl, she read.

"July 4th, 2015:
Blaze Johnson. The love of my life maybe. She draws too, which is beyond ridiculous. She's perfect.

She closed her eyes and let the tears fall, putting it down. He wasn't much for notes, and she couldn't help but wonder why he wrote this. She put on the tee shirt he had worn the day before they went to the hospital and a pair of his sweatpants, her tears not stopping. Sliding into the bed, she remembered the many times the had just laid here and done nothing, but now it seemed like everything. Her sobs became louder as she tried to muffle them until she tired herself out and fell into a deep sleep.

That was the day Luke Hemmings died.

omg I actually teared up writing this :-( Only a few chapters left

also ps just in case you wanted to know this would fall on the 22 of july.

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