Chapter 5

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Ok, I decided to try first person. Please let me know if you prefer third person or if there are any mistakes!

Harry's POV

As we walked into the school, I fought to control myself. The sight of the place where so many had fallen at the hands of the Death Eaters and Voldemort filled me with a rising sense of panic. I didn't think it would affect me as much as it did, but I found myself short of breath in my agitation.

Images flashed through my mind, each bringing with them an avalanche of feelings so heavy I couldn't breathe. My eyes widened, and everything around me seemed dimmed; tarnished by the war that once again raged in all directions.

I forced my head up, locking onto small, minute details near the ground, my suitcase, and my hands. Anything to take me mind off of the raging floods coursing through my brain.

My friends had noticed - of course they had - and had questioned me on it, but of course, I said I'd be fine and began to focus on the intricate designs adorning the path that we walked along, looking anywhere but the scorch marks I could see out of the corners of my eyes.

I'd never been happier to enter the Great Hall.

I had found myself paying more attention than ever before during the Headmistress' speech. Usually, I zoned out after the first few minutes, but this time was different due to what was being said.

I noticed that Headmistress McGonagall skipped around the subject of the war, which I was thankful for. There was no way I wanted to be reminded of that fucking battlefield anymore than I already was, plus the new first years didn't need to know the details. When she had spoken about the new arrangements for eighth years, I was intrigued.

It seemed odd that they would put us somewhere different, but I supposed it was to stop over-crowding or something. I hadn't really thought on it for too long.

Now however, as we filed out of the Great Hall, following the Headmistress, it was all that I could think about. I wondered who I would be in a dorm with, how many people, whether I'd know any of them or not. It was exciting and slightly terrifying all at once.

The Headmistress eventually stopped, in front of a portrait I'd never seen before near the Gryffindor tower. Judging by the looks of confusion from the other students clustered around me, they'd never noticed it either. The portrait showed a storm swept field, with lightning dancing over the dark trees in its background.

In the forefront there was a man with piercing light brown eyes. He wore a creaseless suit and sat up straight, as if he'd been called to attention. A muggle pipe sat on his lips, which was strange since he was surely a wizard. He watched us all without a word, one eyebrow raised. His left hand stroked the stubble adorning his chin. He looked as if he was deep in thought.

The professor spoke the password loudly, obviously ensuring that all of us could hear.


Hermione helpfully informed me that it meant 'wolf' in Latin as the portrait swung open and we entered the room.

When I finally saw the inside, I couldn't believe the sheer size of the place.

The common room was a huge rectangular shape, decorated with a mixture of all four house colours. At its centre sat a pile of assorted bean bags and couches. There were polished mahogany tables around these seats etched with the house symbols. Ok then, so they hadn't forced us to completely abandon our houses.

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