Chapter 10

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Draco's POV

I had what was quite possibly the best sleep I can recall ever experiencing.

Granted, I still had nightmares - I doubt I'll ever be free of those - but after I woke up, crying and shuddering at some point in the early hours, the nightmares had ceased.

I didn't know what happened, I couldn't remember anything apart from waking up in a dazed mess and then falling asleep peacefully. Really, just the fact that I had fallen asleep again should have made me wonder how I'd managed it. Usually, I'd just wake up and read for a few hours in an attempt to calm my racing mind.

When I awoke for the second time, I almost leapt out of my skin.

The Boy Who Lived. Was in my bed. I was wrapped around him. With my head on his chest.

'Fuck. O-h fucking hell.'

I was clutching his arm tightly for some reason or another, his skin was so soft, smooth, warm in contrast to my constant chill.

For a few minutes, I thought I was still asleep. It couldn't possibly be real, could it?

Could it?

No, it was just a dream. It didn't matter that it was the most realistic dream I'd ever experienced, it had to be a dream.

I felt panic rise in my chest as I realised that this simply could not be a dream. I'd dreamed of something like this so many times, each time waking up to be slapped by the harsh reality of the world.

Where was the slap? No rude awakening?

I was motionless, unable to move from shock. I was unable to remove myself from on top of him but, did I really want to?

No, I did not. Merlin, I didn't want to move. I wanted to stay there in his comforting embrace.


He was holding me, I noticed suddenly. His hands were lying loosely on my waist. I don't think I've ever felt so protected in someone's grip, never wanted someone's grip so much in my life.

Ever since The Dark Lord attempted to hug me, I've never really appreciated affection or human contact. I suppose it was all just ruined for me, just like he'd ruined the rest of my life.

I smiled to myself, allowing myself to feel this enveloping happiness for the first time in years. I wasn't going to waste the moment by thinking about my past. I snuggled against him, knowing fine well I would not be going back to sleep.

How did it happen though? Why was Potter in my bed?

I wasn't complaining - no way, I'd wanted this for years - but it felt strange to wake up and find him there, peaceful, asleep.

He looked so fucking adorable whilst he slept, like a puppy. I felt an intense desire to run my hand through his hair, but there was no way I was doing that. For all I knew, it would break whatever spell I was trapped in.

I decided to just enjoy it while it lasted and lay there for an unknown time. It was only about five o'clock, I had a while before it was time to begin getting dressed. Why not spend it here?

I couldn't calm my frantic thoughts, no matter how much I wanted to just enjoy the moment. Why the fuck was Potter in my bed? Why was he on top of the duvet? Why did he have his glasses on? What in Merlin tits was happening?

My mind raced as I frantically tried to come up with a logical explanation for Potter's sudden appearance. My eventual conclusion? There wasn't one.

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