Yay!!! Tag

51 5 8

Hello everybody I am very thankful all of you got me to 50 followers. I am so happy I am going to make 5 questions and you need to tag 10 poeple. Begin!!!

1. Fav hobby?!?

Mine is reading a book or watching videos on YT

2. Fav anime?!?

Noragami and Miraii Niki or Future Diary

3. Are you good at singing?!?

Uuuuuumm a bit only not that great

4. Are you good at dancing?!?

Yup I am (not bragging just sarcastic)

5. What is your best talent?!? Skill???

Uuumm writing/drawing is my skill. Everybody can draw watch this👇🏻👇🏻👇🏻

My talent is dancing/singing

Welp get some pencil and paper and do what the man instructs you. You can draw!!!
Video is not mine but TEDx

Now for the people who helped me in getting 50 followers in 2 months

ask-sans-and-papyrus thankyou for the beautiful drawing, now my new prof pic

ask-sans-and-papyrus thankyou for the beautiful drawing, now my new prof pic

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Taylor_Bella012 my Filipina friend. Please continue your frans story I love them

CoffeeGuardian for the amazing book you make

WolfixWritesUT for reading my book 'Golden Flower'













WANHEDA23 please create your book and answer the questions above

JazLayZa congrats on 100 followers

EmilyHeatherDaMeifwa my first follower thankyou

Again THANK YOU for helping get 50 followers in 2 months so I am kinda a newbie so please give me tips. I promise to make longer chapters next time. Stay determined

~Sunshine Jaycel

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