R.U.N & H.I.D.E

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My mind kept yelling at me as I made my best to run like a hot rod on the loose!

(A/N: I dunno where that came from nor what it meant.. I just felt like writing it..so..)

Without any coherent knowledge of where on this wretched school was I headed, I still ran like a shotgun, afraid he’ll catch up.

(A/N: not sure where that came from either.. :/ what is with me and metallic stuff?)

I stopped at my tracks before I even realized where my feet had led me to.

I breathed like a fish out of water as I bent down and rested my hands on my knees, closing my eyes and gasping for dear oxygen to fill my lungs.

After recovering from the sudden exhausting task, I looked up only to find I’m in the place I find as my second home in school.

The library.

There are no students around at the time, because honestly they don’t come here.

Only the computer geeks researching on some historical nerd stuff and the overachievers reviewing for extra credit are sometimes gathered around here, furiously reading a book or two.

And then there’s me.

I’m neither a member of the groups I mentioned but I do love the library.

It just brings me a sense of comfort other parts of the school never did.

I breathed out a sigh of relief and smiled like a fool.

I looked around suddenly alarmed that the librarian might have noticed my odd appearance in the quiet room.

But I was relieved when I found out she was enjoying whatever her earplugs are booming in her ears at the moment as her back was on me.

I turned around and made my way on the farthest shelf of books in the room and sank down tiredly.

I felt safe and secured here.

Although I’m pretty sure he’s probably hunting me down right now, I still felt the familiar protection this place had vested me all these years.

I leaned my head on the wall behind as I felt droplets of sweat making down my temples.

I breathed out.

You shouldn’t have cried.

..thought you were tougher than that.

..i would want to see you cry.. but in a whole different way.

His words again reemerged in my already fucked-up mind.

Why was he saying those shit to me?

If anything, he should’ve said things relating to murder, slaughter, killings, destruction, annihilation, blood, missing limbs, detached body parts, ANYTHING that could bring me to realization that I AM UNDENIABLY DEAD..not motherfucking confused!



What is it with youuuuuuuuuu??!!

Why are you making this too fucked up to fucking handle!

My brain, my poor little rusty unused brain, can’t handle it, brother!

Instead of just killing me on the spot, he made me ran like a wild hog, puzzled to my death!

Maybe this is his revenge!

Luring me into mind traps and killing me slowly and surely with his confusing, mind-bending tricks in the process.


But why is there something telling me this revenge thing is not what it seems like anymore.

Like..this is a whole new thing!

I couldn’t help but feel not threatened anymore, honestly.

I mean, there’s still the dread and anxiousness I feel towards whatever is coming to me, but..something really feels out of place!

It feels like he’s not mad at me anymore!

Stupid! Yes he’s mad at you!

My mind scolded me.

Yeah, probably, but..

Maybe beating me up is not the revenge he wants..


He wants something else.

But I don’t know what it might be.

But it’s definitely something important.


What if he wants my soul?

I mean, to feed to the devil he worships or something.

He’s pretty evil, you see.

So it’s not far from a possibility.

But no, let’s be honest, that’s ridiculously absurd.

But, I actually am starting to feel like I was letting loose of my crime.

But for sure there’s a catch.

I could feel it.

If he really did want to make me pay back, he would’ve did it before i even got to lunch or during lunch where I was out in the open(and the audience is a bonus already) or while his devil-dudes came and confronted me, he could’ve just told them to beat me up for him (saves him a lot of time and effort) or while I was in that bathroom, if he was there on purpose, waiting for me to come out, he could’ve just entered and made me feel what hell was like with his wrath or when I walked out of there, he could’ve just knocked me the hell out of my consciousness before I even know it!

Not leaving me feeling like this!

So utterly confused by his so fucked-up behavior.

I breathed out audibly.

I glanced at my watch and it’s already 2:40 in the afternoon.

I’ve decided to skip all my classes for I was sure I would probably be meeting him in all three of them.

School ends at 5:00.

Looks like a plenty of time to sit out here and wait till the day runs out of sun and fuck knows what’ll happen then.


I think this is the shortest chappie in this fic.

However I still want a corn and a trip to pluto with a guy name Luke in a cool band.

I’ve really got nothing else to say except that the next few chappies are quite..hmmm..intuh-resting.

But please:



Follow me and make a happy thumblingbeyotch!

-A X O L U S

Shit! He's Angry...And Horny? (A Ziall Short Fanfic) (BoyxBoy)Where stories live. Discover now