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I went home, straight away took my diary out and took everything out what was on my mind.Suddenly by suprise, "tingg tongg" the bell rang."who is it?",I answerwed while getting the door.I opened and saw the perfect guy with the perfect scent of perfume standing on my front door with a tray of chocolate chip cookies that had just been took out frest from the oven."Hi,I'm Harris,your new neighbour".That voice of his came out from his mouth made me melt right on the spot.Those soft yet charming voice of his just amazed me."I'm Amanda.Amanda Rossette.Nice to meet you.Welcome to the neighbourhood", I replied with my fake elegent voice to show some politeness."Nice name you got there",he smiled.Our eyes made contact and that's when my heart skipped a beat.he hand me the chocolate chip cookies and waved goodbye.I closed the door and lay myself on the front door biting my bottom lip.I squeaked silently.My pale face suddenly turned into the color of a strawberry.

I start my next day morning by jogging around the housing area with my not washed face and very smelly feet with a dead zombie pair of eyes.While I was catching the breeze of the wind,let my sweat dry,a sudden footsteps caught my eyes and made me stop to look back what was it.A guy with earpods plucked into his both ears,sweat coming out of his body.I was looking at him as I saw a unicorn dancing,in slo-mo.How can you turn back on that?I was dreaming and drooling and that rose cheek kept coming up.He looked at me and was thinking of me as a mannequin.Then he snapped his thumb and index finger straight to my face. "Are you okay?",he asked while turning back as if I was seeing a ghost. "What?I'm fine.",I blinked and widened my eyes as he glared at me with his sparkling golden eyes.He laughed.I died. "Do you wanna go get breakfast with me?",he asked. "Well,if you insist",I replied with a small laugh.I'm his neighbour.I don't see why not?Well,I did the right thing right?

We went for a morning coffee at Starbucks and was being awkward like literallly for 15 minutes.Then,he started a conversation. "So,do you go to Northwood High?". "Erhm erhm,yes I do",I answered with my fake soft voice to show elegant and grace.What?All guys love girls who has soft voice.AAAHHHHH!!!!Wait,I just realized that he was the new guy who just moved here all the way from HOLLYWOOD!! "Are you perhaps the new guy from Hollywood?",I asked curiously. "Hollywood?Who said that?I moved here from Bradford in United Kingdom.Hahaha!Hollywood,I wish!",he laughed as I was just staring at him with full of curiosity. "Hahaha",I fake laughed.We talked about all the great things in life,happiness and bla bla bla.Kidding.We continued being awkward at kept staring at each other with full of awkwardness.So,we went home together while talking and making silly and lame jokes.Hahaha we laughed all along the way home.We reached home safely,don't worry,nothing stupid happened along the way.Once I walked through the front yard of my house, "Amanda,can I perhaps have your number?You know,it's easier to talk to you."he suddenly spoke up.I stopped from walking. " Y..yeah sure".He walked towards me and lend me his phone.He let me wrote down my number on his phone. "Here you go."I gave him his phone back. "Thank you",he thanked me while smiling.I waved him goodbye as I walked through my door and he standing on my front yard with that sweet smile of his.As you can see,I'm quite of a spice girl but when it comes to guys,I'll become a sweet potato.I am a sweet potato.Rough on the outside,sweet on the inside.

The next morning,I went for a jog again with my earpod plucked in my ears and I led out a smile and catched the morning breeze.Then,he jogged past by me.Again. "Morning,neighbour!",he spoke up while jogging backward to look at me. "Morning,super cu..ool neighbour.",I replied.Okay,truthfully,I meant to say super cool but ended super cute+cool so it's super cu-ool.He laughed while I was embarrassed of myself.I took a step back and ran slowly as I can to avoid him and embarrassement.Then,he called me."Amanda,where are you going?".He pulled me and pulled my arms close to him.He put a weight on my shoulder by putting his arms on it.I gave him a glare right into his eyes."What are you doing?",I asked with full of suprise."I'm just glad that we can be friends.I mean, I really don't have any friends even in school.Moreover,it's summer break."Did he just said friends?For real?I'm not dreaming?No I'm not. "Well,I'm glad you said that.It's like legit hard to find friends nowadays,anyways".I said while dropping his arms off my shoulder.'It's the friends we meet along the way that helps us appreciate the journey'.

There was this day during the summer break,Felisha,Mac and I went for breakfast together at the brew.Let me tell you something about the brew.Their waffles and chickens are the best food you can get in Northwood. "So,Amanda,Mac,what's you story during this AMAZING yet DRAMATIC summer break?",she spoke while forking the waffles and chicken together in her mouth full.Her face was like pissed off by something.Like something happened.Mac and I looked each other with our eyes widen to the intonation that Felisha did. "What happened Felisha?Are you okay?Is there something wrong?",I asked her. "My summer break was filled with bullshit!I broke up with Kasper.He said he liked this new girl Stephanie...",she knocked her head on the table.Luckily no one cares to pay attention at our drama.Me and Mac feel pity for her.We went to her seat tapped her shoulder and backbone. "Oh my dear Felisha,it's okay.I've always wanted to say this to you that he is a total jerk.You deserve way etter than him.He's not even that good looking to be truly honest.",Mac led out her féroce voice of hers.Felisha's eyes is ran out of teardrops.All that came out from her eyes was her mascara.For your information,this story is not just about my story meeting my other half but also the perks having best friends in you life.God blesses the broken road that led me straight to my friends.

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