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I went home walking alone,kept thinking about Felisha stupid's boyfriend. "Poor Felisha.",I sighed.I mean, how can she dumped her for that stupid bitch Stephanie.She's not even that pretty.I'm pretty sure Felisha is way prettier and smarter than she is. "Ting",my phone rang.It was  text from Harris.He invited me to go to dinner with him at Ranzy's.For one second I thought,I was not even ready.Better yet,I had not even had my shower and I totally smell like butcher who just cut a thousands of fresh meat.I quickly ran to home straight to my room,took off my clothes and rushed to the bathroom to take a 30 minutes shower.On second thought,I only had 1 and a half hour to get ready before the 'date'.After took a bath for like 15 to 30 minutes,I wore my favourite crop top with high waist jeans.He texted me "You ready Amanda?". "Yeah,give me 5 minutes.",I replied.Like I said,5 minutes.The doorbell rang. "Honey,It's Harris!",my mom called me."Coming,mom!",I replied.I came down and saw Harris standing on my front door with his charming face of his,perfect pair of jeans,perfect pair of tops,perfect scent of perfume.Everything he wears were all perfectly perfect.Charmingly charming like always.He looked at me and smiled with his most beautiful smile ever.Mom was standing in front of the front door and said to Harris, "Send my regards to your mom okay?". "Sure Mrs Rossette.I'll tell her",he replied. "Shall we?",i smiled at him.We took the train instead of the car as the restaurant is just like 3 blocks away.I told him that we should just walk but he denies.So, we went to Ranzy's  at got a booth since it was just the two of us and I guess it was more quite than seating at the normal table.I ordered the hamburger with strawberry milkshake since that's a good combination,I guess.He pointed the same dish on the menu like I had. "Your orders will arrive around ten minutes.",the waitress took our orders. "So,Amanda do you have a boyfriend of perhaps a crush?",he started a conversation by asking me an awkward question. "Well,I do have a crush",I answered while keeping my head down. "Maybe you can share it with me aye?",he asked. "It's Zayn Malik",I whispered right next to his ears.Then,we laughed.Silly joke.

Seemed like that waitress kept her promise.Ten minutes of waiting,came the food.The waitress placed our food on the table for each of us.Urghh...I just can't stand the smell of the hamburger.Did I mention that Ranzy's hamburger is the best hamburger in town?Yup,it sure is.It made me drool like crazy.As the food had served,we filled in our grumbling yet empty tummy with those undeniable hamburgers.Had our milkshakes,can't believe that small booth at the corner can make such beautiful and good memories.Great way to spend the night with Harris.He paid for the food as I looked at him up till down.We rode the train again to head back home.We had the awkward moment again when we just sit and tightened our hands on our thighs and not talking.The clock strikes 10 and this happened.He leaned closer to me and grabbed my right cheek with his right hand and pushed himself closer towards me and.Leaned his face closer to mine,slowly closed his eyes and  started kissing me on the the lips.I was surprise as I widened my eyes and looked at him.His face was so close to mine.He continued.Then,I started closing my eyes and grabbed both his cheeks and continued the kiss.At that moment, "kringgg",my phone rang.I quickly stopped the kiss and answered who was calling. "Hi,Mac what's up?",I stood up and moved in front than our usual seat and answered the call while clearing my throat. "It's Felisha.She's been crying on the phone while calling me just now talking about her stupid ex,Kasper.Do you mind sleeping over her house tonight just to make sure she's not doing anything crazy?",Mac told me Felisha's story.Well,I can't just leave her like that.What if she does something crazy like drive to the mountain and jump on the the cliff.She's my best friend. "Yeah,I'll meet you at her house another 15 minutes",I answered her while just staring at Harris for what just happened just now. "Okay,see you there!",she hung up.I walked through the back seat where we sat together and just kept looking at Harris. "I..I have to go to my friend's house for a night.",I said to him. "Okay,I'll drop you off.",he replied. "Do you want to stop here?We can walk and talk.",he continued. "Y..yeah sure.",I answered with a lower voice.As we walked,we both didn't talk until he said, "I am sorry about what happened just now.I shouldn't have rush things up for you.",he seemed like really sorry for what he did. "I don't think we should talk about it.Let's just forget about what happened,okay?",I stopped and looked at him for a moment. "Here we are.Bye Harris,"I sighed while walking up the stairs at Felisha's house.I slammed the door before he said goodbye.

I could not sleep at night as I kept thinking about the kissing.My phone kept ringing asking me to pick up Harris call.I couldn't.I just couldn't. 'Are you okay?',he texted me.I didn't reply but I saw the message popped on my screen. "Was I doing the right thing?",I talked to myself.Tomorrow morning,I went back home alone walking while my bag is wrapped around my body,holding it tightly I don't know why.Still,kept thinking about the same thing again and again.I pictured the time when he was holding me,locked his lip around mine.Why couldn't I forget about that?Two days have passed and I didn't talk,text or even look at him.The next day,I went for my usual jog in the morning and saw him in front of me.I didn't stop.I just kept going.I didn't even look at him while my earpod was pluck in my ears like I was ignoring him or something.My brain kept telling me to just meet him and say what I have to say.I didn't want to follow my brain so I decided to do my own decision.By the time I ignored him,he called me but I just kept jogging.Then,he stopped. 'Is she ignoring me?But why?',he must be thinking about that.Well,avoiding him didn't last that long.The same day at night,my parents went to for dinner.It's kind of like a date not inviting me. "tingg tongg",the doorbell rang.I rushed downstairs from my room and immediately open the door. "Who is it?,"I stopped and became a mannequin for a minute.Harris was standing in my front door holding a bouquet of daffodils mixed with common bluebell and lavender.It was beautiful.What was more beautiful is when he holding it while saying sorry.How did he know?How did he know those were my favorite flowers af all time. "I'm sorry for what I did.I'm here to make it up to you.Will you forgive me?",he apologized.I widen my smile and took those bouquet of flowers and smell it. "Well,I suppose everyone has a second chance,"I answered him and hugged him like I was missing him in a while.Well,I did miss him.We went for Ranzy's for dinner and sat at the same booth with the same meal and drinks.Much memories made on that booth.Bad,good,but that one kiss he did,I couldn't know if it was a good or a bad thing.I didn't deny his kiss dis I?Did I like it?

So here is the chapter that I promised you guys.Romance.I hope you guys love it.Don't forget to like.Enjoy!:)ps:sorry if it's a bit short.

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