Chapter 1

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 Goku's head emerged from under the covers of his bed, bright-eyed and wide awake. His older brother, Raditz, snored just across from Goku's bed. He tiptoed around the room, not wanting to wake his brother and be subjected to his early morning wrath.

After slipping out of his room and closing the heart-stopping creaky door behind him, he relaxed his quiet manner since he was now out of the danger zone. A quick trip to the bathroom and Goku was dressed and ready to face the day. Suddenly, his stomach growled loudly. Well,almost ready, he thought.

Aroused from his thoughts of his stomach by the sounds of clattering in the kitchen, Goku quickened his pace, almost giddy with his overwhelming hunger, and slid to a stop at the table. He sat down heavily, acknowledging his mother with a nod, before tucking in greedily to the breakfast his mother had prepared. He wrapped his tail around his chair leg, lost in his meal.

"Now wait one minute there, my young saiyan," Goku's mother placed her hand on Goku's shoulder, stopping him from eating more.

"Yes mum?"

"Firstly- put that tail away!"

Goku obediently wrapped his tail around his waist. He was about to shovel another load of food into his mouth when his mother stopped him again. Goku reluctantly turned his gaze to his mother.

"And secondly, you haven't brushed your hair."

Goku frowned with confusion. "But mum-"

"Goku, I know we never brush your hair, but it's a special day today- your first day at your new high school!"

Goku groaned. "Mum, I-"

"No Goku, I don't want to hear another word. Now go brush your teeth and I'll do your hair when you come out."

Goku sighed. He wiped his bowl clean, then dashed off to do his teeth. After whirling the toothbrush round his mouth for roughly two minutes, Goku peered through the keyhole to spy on his mother. She was standing guard, armed with a hairbrush. Goku gulped. He'd have to make a run for it.

Goku jumped out of the bathroom, the door slamming the wall as he raced towards his bag, snatching it into his outstretched hand. He then dashed out of the door and off up the street. His mother sighed and called after him, "Have fun sweetie!"

In the distance he waved a hand, then disappeared round a corner. His mother closed the door. "Right, time to get Mr. Sleepy-head up," she said grimly, heading upstairs.


Goku took in the massive school, his mind whirring as he tried to comprehend the sheer number of students flooding through the gates, and into the gaping entrance leading into the heart of the school.

While surveying the school, he hadn't noticed a familiar face heading towards him. However, he soon felt the familiar ki, small but recognisable. Whipping round, he caught sight of his old friend.

"Bulma!" Goku beamed.

Bulma walked over to him. "Good to see you again, Goku!"she said, happy to see her friend again. "Also, what have you been doing for the last year instead of learning at school like us?" She frowned and leaned closer eyes full of curiosity. "And how on earth didja manage manage to get off school for an entire year?"

"Training,"Goku stated simply.

"Which question are you answering?"


"Then how are you going to catch up with school work?"

Goku only smiled in response, then placed a hand on Bulma's head.

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