Chapter 6

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I'm back with a brand new chapter to make you all happy little bunnies, and if you don't like bunnies- well, that's not my problem. Enjoy! 


Chichi woke up feeling as if she was going to burst with happiness, quite different from the previous morning. Memories of yesterday had been scattered through her dreams, and she flopped backwards, revelling in every little detail she could remember.

A broad smile was stretched out across Chichi's face, as she thought about the day ahead of her. Not even the thought of Suno could dampen her spirits. In fact, from what Goku had said yesterday, Suno might actually turn out to be a really nice person.

Chichi jumped as her stomach growled in complaint. Suno couldn't dampen her spirits, but an empty stomach might be able to...

Wandering down the stairs, Chichi whacked a piece of bread into the toaster, then set out the table. Suddenly hearing what sounded like an elephant falling on a drum kit, Chichi turned to see her father tumbling down the stairs- again.

After regaining his composure, the Ox King heaved himself into a chair, which creaked ominously under his rear end. Chichi winced as the chair buckled, but just about held. Whisking the toast put, she spread a thin layer of butter in one fluent movement, then started to eat.

As she finished off the last scraps of her breakfast, Chichi looked up, and glanced a worryingly mischievous look on his face.

"So, Chi! How's your fiancé?"

This, out of everything, was something Chichi had not been expecting her dad to say.

"M-My... fiancé?" Chichi was panicky. Did this mean she...

"You know, that Goku fella!"


"Dad, we're friends! Nothing more, nothing less! There is no romance between us! Ok?"

Chichi tried to hide her blush behind a mask of indignant fury, but to no avail. Her father knew her too well.

"You know, I'm betting Goku's nearly 18. Hey, for his 18th birthday you could always go and get introduced to his parents and maybe plan for the future...?" The grin on her father's face was somewhere in between that of a masochist and the devil himself.

(A/N: The marrying age in Japan is 18 for boys and 16 for girls. So Chichi would probably be at marrying age already, whereas Goku will probably be marrying age soon.)

"Dad, I'm betting his 18th birthday has already been and gone."

"All the more reason to get together!"


"I dare you."

"Huh?" Dare her?

"I dare you to phone Goku right now and find out when his birthday is."

"Fine!" In an instant, Chichi had accepted it, before she suddenly realised how stupid it had been. But there was no choice now.

Chichi grabbed her phone and dashed upstairs. She jumped onto her bed, then texted Bulma, quickly messaging that she wouldn't be there for the SEMMS. Then she scrolled down the screen, until a contact caught her eye. She hit the phone button, and listened anxiously to the steady beep... beep... beep...


Goku had been having a surprisingly good morning. First of all, his brother had not woken him up astronomically early by whacking him on the head with the wardrobe or the nearest object to hand. In fact, Raditz was nowhere to be seen.

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